[][src]Macro weechat::config

macro_rules! config {
    ($config_name:literal, $(Section $section:ident { $($option:tt)* }), * $(,)?) => { ... };
This is supported on config_macro only.

Declare a Weechat configuration file.

This will generate a struct called Config which wraps the Weechat struct of the same name. The generated struct will have accessors for every section and option that is declared.

The generated struct dereferences into the Weechat Config struct so additional sections and options can be created the usual way as well.

The config still needs to be created in the init() method of the plugin using Config::new().

This feature requires Rust nightly.


use strum_macros::EnumVariantNames;

#[strum(serialize_all = "kebab_case")]
pub enum ServerBufferMerge {

impl Default for ServerBufferMerge {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl From<i32> for ServerBufferMerge {
    fn from(value: i32) -> Self {
        match value {
            0 => ServerBufferMerge::MergeWithCore,
            1 => ServerBufferMerge::MergeWithoutCore,
            2 => ServerBufferMerge::Independent,
            _ => unreachable!(),

    // The name of the config
    Section look {
        encrypted_room_sign: String {
            // Description.
            "A sign that is used to show that the current room is encrypted",

            // Default value.

        server_buffer: Enum {
            // Description.
            "Merge server buffers",

            // This is an enum that needs to have the following traits
            // implemented:
            //    * Default - To define the default value of the option.
            //    * From<i32> - To convert the internal Weechat integer option
            //      to the enum.
            //    * VariantNames - To get the string representation of the
            //      enum variants. This is a trait defined in the strum library,
            //      a simple macro that derives an implementation is provided by
            //      strum.

        quote_fg: Color {
            // Description.
            "Foreground color for Matrix style blockquotes",

            // Default value.

    Section network {
        username: EvaluatedString {
            // Description.
            "The username that will be used to log in to the server \
             (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval)",

            // Default value.

        timeout: Integer {
            // Description.
            "A timeout (in seconds) that determines how long we should wait \
            for a request to finish before aborting.",

            // Default value.

            // The range that the value is allowed to have, note that both of
            // those are inclusive.

        autoconnect: bool {
            // Description.
            "Automatically connect to the server when Weechat is starting",

            // Default value.