Module webrtc::api::media_engine

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  • A MediaEngine defines the codecs supported by a PeerConnection, and the configuration of those codecs. A MediaEngine must not be shared between PeerConnections.


  • MIME_TYPE_AV1 AV1 MIME type Note: Matching should be case insensitive.
  • MIME_TYPE_G722 G722 MIME type Note: Matching should be case insensitive.
  • MIME_TYPE_H264 H264 MIME type. Note: Matching should be case insensitive.
  • MIME_TYPE_OPUS Opus MIME type Note: Matching should be case insensitive.
  • MIME_TYPE_PCMA PCMA MIME type Note: Matching should be case insensitive.
  • MIME_TYPE_PCMU PCMU MIME type Note: Matching should be case insensitive.
  • MIME_TYPE_TELEPHONE_EVENT telephone-event MIME type Note: Matching should be case insensitive.
  • MIME_TYPE_VP8 VP8 MIME type Note: Matching should be case insensitive.
  • MIME_TYPE_VP9 VP9 MIME type Note: Matching should be case insensitive.