[][src]Module web_glitz::runtime::single_threaded

This module implements a runtime designed to run on a single thread (the main thread). This runtime's RenderingContext implementation, SingleThreadedContext, may be Cloned (which results in another handle to the same context), but neither it nor any of its clones may be send to or shared with other threads/workers.

Tasks submitted to a single threaded context (see RenderingContext::submit) are executed immediately and typically don't involve dynamic dispatch (unless the task becomes fenced, in which case it will be "boxed" and stored in the "fenced-task queue" from where it will be invoked dynamically once its fence becomes signalled, see below).


A new single threaded runtime may be initialized by calling init with a web_sys::HtmlCanvasElement and ContextOptions:

use wasm_bindgen::JsCast;
use web_glitz::runtime::{single_threaded, ContextOptions};
use web_sys::{window, HtmlCanvasElement};

let canvas: HtmlCanvasElement = window()

let options = ContextOptions::default();

let (context, render_target) = unsafe { single_threaded::init(&canvas, &options).unwrap() };

This returns a tuple of the SingleThreadedContext and the DefaultRenderTarget for the canvas or an error if the requested ContextOptions could not be supported. For more details on the options available when initializing a single threaded runtime, see ContextOptions.


Note that the init function is marked unsafe: the canvas's WebGL2 context must be in its original state when init was called. Additionally, for the lifetime of the SingleThreadedContext or any of its clones, the state of the context should not be modified through another handle to the canvas's raw WebGL2 context; the SingleThreadedContext tracks the changes it makes to the state of its associated WebGL2 context in a state cache and if at any point during the execution of a task the actual state of the WebGL2b context and the cached state don't match, unexpected results may ocurr. In short: if you only initialize one WebGlitz RenderingContext or raw WebGL2 context per canvas, then calling init is safe.

If you do wish to access or use the raw web_sys::WebGl2RenderingContext, rather than obtaining a seperate WebGL2 context directly from the canvas, instead consider implementing your own GpuTask:

use web_glitz::task::{GpuTask, Progress, ContextId};
use web_glitz::runtime::Connection;

struct MyTask {
    // ...

unsafe impl GpuTask<Connection> for MyTask {
    type Output = ();

    fn context_id(&self) -> ContextId {

    fn progress(&mut self, connection: &mut Connection) -> Progress<Self::Output> {
        let (raw_context, state_cache) = unsafe { connection.unpack_mut() };

        // Do something using the raw context...


You may unpack the connection into a reference to the raw WebGL2 context and the state cache by calling Connection::unpack_mut. This is unsafe: you must ensure that the state cache reflects the actual state of the WebGL2 context when your implementation of GpuTask::progress returns (by updating the state cache when necessary, see DynamicState for details).

Multi-part Tasks and Fencing

A GpuTask may consists of multiple stages, where in between stages the task has to wait for a GPU fence to become signalled. This mostly concerns tasks that contain "read" or "download" commands (commands with non-void outputs), where the first part of the command sets up the command, then a fence is inserted, and then the actual read/download occurs once the fence is reached; this may avoid stalls on the CPU and/or GPU. This runtime handles such tasks by maintaining a "fenced-task" queue for tasks where GpuTask::progress returns Progress::ContinueFenced. If this queue is not empty, then a 1ms timeout is scheduled with the JavaScript event queue. After this timeout expires it will try to again make progress on the tasks in the fenced-task queue (this shortcircuits on the first fence that has not yet become signalled, as WebGL/OpenGL fences cannot become signalled out of order). If the fenced-task queue is not emptied (either because not all fences became signalled, or because one of the tasks again returned Progress::ContinueFenced), then a new 1ms timeout is scheduled on the JavaScript event loop.

Note that such repeated scheduling of timeout events may result in throttling (to ~4ms) in most browsers after a certain number of iterations (5 in Chrome and FireFox, 6 in Safari and 3 in Edge, at the time of this writing). Note also that timeouts indicate a minimum timeout: if the JavaScript main thread is already busy, or higher priority events exists in the event queue (micro-tasks or macro-tasks that were scheduled earlier), then the JavaScript/WASM runtime will finish this work before checking the fenced-task queue again.



A handle to a single-threaded WebGlitz rendering context.





Initializes a single threaded WebGlitz runtime for the canvas using the options and returns a tuple of the WebGlitz RenderingContext and the DefaultRenderTarget associated with the canvas.