
Enum Icon

pub enum Icon {
Show 219 variants DaySunny = 61_453, DayCloudy = 61_442, DayCloudyGusts = 61_440, DayCloudyWindy = 61_441, DayFog = 61_443, DayHail = 61_444, DayHaze = 61_622, DayLightning = 61_445, DayRain = 61_448, DayRainMix = 61_446, DayRainWind = 61_447, DayShowers = 61_449, DaySleet = 61_618, DaySleetStorm = 61_544, DaySnow = 61_450, DaySnowThunderstorm = 61_547, DaySnowWind = 61_541, DaySprinkle = 61_451, DayStormShowers = 61_454, DaySunnyOvercast = 61_452, DayThunderstorm = 61_456, DayWindy = 61_573, SolarEclipse = 61_550, Hot = 61_554, DayCloudyHigh = 61_565, DayLightWind = 61_636, NightClear = 61_486, NightAltCloudy = 61_574, NightAltCloudyGusts = 61_474, NightAltCloudyWindy = 61_475, NightAltHail = 61_476, NightAltLightning = 61_477, NightAltRain = 61_480, NightAltRainMix = 61_478, NightAltRainWind = 61_479, NightAltShowers = 61_481, NightAltSleet = 61_620, NightAltSleetStorm = 61_546, NightAltSnow = 61_482, NightAltSnowThunderstorm = 61_549, NightAltSnowWind = 61_543, NightAltSprinkle = 61_483, NightAltStormShowers = 61_484, NightAltThunderstorm = 61_485, NightCloudy = 61_489, NightCloudyGusts = 61_487, NightCloudyWindy = 61_488, NightFog = 61_514, NightHail = 61_490, NightLightning = 61_491, NightPartlyCloudy = 61_571, NightRain = 61_494, NightRainMix = 61_492, NightRainWind = 61_493, NightShowers = 61_495, NightSleet = 61_619, NightSleetStorm = 61_545, NightSnow = 61_496, NightSnowThunderstorm = 61_548, NightSnowWind = 61_542, NightSprinkle = 61_497, NightStormShowers = 61_498, NightThunderstorm = 61_499, LunarEclipse = 61_552, Stars = 61_559, StormShowers = 61_469, Thunderstorm = 61_470, NightAltCloudyHigh = 61_566, NightCloudyHigh = 61_568, NightAltPartlyCloudy = 61_569, Cloud = 61_505, Cloudy = 61_459, CloudyGusts = 61_457, CloudyWindy = 61_458, Fog = 61_460, Hail = 61_461, Rain = 61_465, RainMix = 61_463, RainWind = 61_464, Showers = 61_466, Sleet = 61_621, Snow = 61_467, Sprinkle = 61_468, SnowWind = 61_540, Smog = 61_556, Smoke = 61_538, Lightning = 61_462, Raindrops = 61_518, Raindrop = 61_560, Dust = 61_539, SnowflakeCold = 61_558, Windy = 61_473, StrongWind = 61_520, Sandstorm = 61_570, Earthquake = 61_638, Fire = 61_639, Flood = 61_564, Meteor = 61_553, Tsunami = 61_637, Volcano = 61_640, Hurricane = 61_555, Tornado = 61_526, SmallCraftAdvisory = 61_644, GaleWarning = 61_645, StormWarning = 61_646, HurricaneWarning = 61_647, WindDirection = 61_617, Alien = 61_557, Celsius = 61_500, Fahrenheit = 61_509, Degrees = 61_506, Thermometer = 61_525, ThermometerExterior = 61_523, ThermometerInternal = 61_524, CloudDown = 61_501, CloudUp = 61_504, CloudRefresh = 61_502, Horizon = 61_511, HorizonAlt = 61_510, Sunrise = 61_521, Sunset = 61_522, Moonrise = 61_641, Moonset = 61_642, Refresh = 61_516, RefreshAlt = 61_515, Umbrella = 61_572, Barometer = 61_561, Humidity = 61_562, Na = 61_563, Train = 61_643, MoonNew = 61_589, MoonWaxingCrescent1 = 61_590, MoonWaxingCrescent2 = 61_591, MoonWaxingCrescent3 = 61_592, MoonWaxingCrescent4 = 61_593, MoonWaxingCrescent5 = 61_594, MoonWaxingCrescent6 = 61_595, MoonFirstQuarter = 61_596, MoonWaxingGibbous1 = 61_597, MoonWaxingGibbous2 = 61_598, MoonWaxingGibbous3 = 61_599, MoonWaxingGibbous4 = 61_600, MoonWaxingGibbous5 = 61_601, MoonWaxingGibbous6 = 61_602, MoonFull = 61_603, MoonWaningGibbous1 = 61_604, MoonWaningGibbous2 = 61_605, MoonWaningGibbous3 = 61_606, MoonWaningGibbous4 = 61_607, MoonWaningGibbous5 = 61_608, MoonWaningGibbous6 = 61_609, MoonThirdQuarter = 61_610, MoonWaningCrescent1 = 61_611, MoonWaningCrescent2 = 61_612, MoonWaningCrescent3 = 61_613, MoonWaningCrescent4 = 61_614, MoonWaningCrescent5 = 61_615, MoonWaningCrescent6 = 61_616, MoonAltNew = 61_675, MoonAltWaxingCrescent1 = 61_648, MoonAltWaxingCrescent2 = 61_649, MoonAltWaxingCrescent3 = 61_650, MoonAltWaxingCrescent4 = 61_651, MoonAltWaxingCrescent5 = 61_652, MoonAltWaxingCrescent6 = 61_653, MoonAltFirstQuarter = 61_654, MoonAltWaxingGibbous1 = 61_655, MoonAltWaxingGibbous2 = 61_656, MoonAltWaxingGibbous3 = 61_657, MoonAltWaxingGibbous4 = 61_658, MoonAltWaxingGibbous5 = 61_659, MoonAltWaxingGibbous6 = 61_660, MoonAltFull = 61_661, MoonAltWaningGibbous1 = 61_662, MoonAltWaningGibbous2 = 61_663, MoonAltWaningGibbous3 = 61_664, MoonAltWaningGibbous4 = 61_665, MoonAltWaningGibbous5 = 61_666, MoonAltWaningGibbous6 = 61_667, MoonAltThirdQuarter = 61_668, MoonAltWaningCrescent1 = 61_669, MoonAltWaningCrescent2 = 61_670, MoonAltWaningCrescent3 = 61_671, MoonAltWaningCrescent4 = 61_672, MoonAltWaningCrescent5 = 61_673, MoonAltWaningCrescent6 = 61_674, Time1 = 61_578, Time2 = 61_579, Time3 = 61_580, Time4 = 61_581, Time5 = 61_582, Time6 = 61_583, Time7 = 61_584, Time8 = 61_585, Time9 = 61_586, Time10 = 61_587, Time11 = 61_588, Time12 = 61_577, DirectionUp = 61_528, DirectionUpRight = 61_527, DirectionRight = 61_517, DirectionDownRight = 61_576, DirectionDown = 61_508, DirectionDownLeft = 61_507, DirectionLeft = 61_512, DirectionUpLeft = 61_575, WindBeaufort0 = 61_623, WindBeaufort1 = 61_624, WindBeaufort2 = 61_625, WindBeaufort3 = 61_626, WindBeaufort4 = 61_627, WindBeaufort5 = 61_628, WindBeaufort6 = 61_629, WindBeaufort7 = 61_630, WindBeaufort8 = 61_631, WindBeaufort9 = 61_632, WindBeaufort10 = 61_633, WindBeaufort11 = 61_634, WindBeaufort12 = 61_635,



DaySunny = 61_453


DayCloudy = 61_442


DayCloudyGusts = 61_440


DayCloudyWindy = 61_441


DayFog = 61_443


DayHail = 61_444


DayHaze = 61_622


DayLightning = 61_445


DayRain = 61_448


DayRainMix = 61_446


DayRainWind = 61_447


DayShowers = 61_449


DaySleet = 61_618


DaySleetStorm = 61_544


DaySnow = 61_450


DaySnowThunderstorm = 61_547


DaySnowWind = 61_541


DaySprinkle = 61_451


DayStormShowers = 61_454


DaySunnyOvercast = 61_452


DayThunderstorm = 61_456


DayWindy = 61_573


SolarEclipse = 61_550


Hot = 61_554


DayCloudyHigh = 61_565


DayLightWind = 61_636


NightClear = 61_486


NightAltCloudy = 61_574


NightAltCloudyGusts = 61_474


NightAltCloudyWindy = 61_475


NightAltHail = 61_476


NightAltLightning = 61_477


NightAltRain = 61_480


NightAltRainMix = 61_478


NightAltRainWind = 61_479


NightAltShowers = 61_481


NightAltSleet = 61_620


NightAltSleetStorm = 61_546


NightAltSnow = 61_482


NightAltSnowThunderstorm = 61_549


NightAltSnowWind = 61_543


NightAltSprinkle = 61_483


NightAltStormShowers = 61_484


NightAltThunderstorm = 61_485


NightCloudy = 61_489


NightCloudyGusts = 61_487


NightCloudyWindy = 61_488


NightFog = 61_514


NightHail = 61_490


NightLightning = 61_491


NightPartlyCloudy = 61_571


NightRain = 61_494


NightRainMix = 61_492


NightRainWind = 61_493


NightShowers = 61_495


NightSleet = 61_619


NightSleetStorm = 61_545


NightSnow = 61_496


NightSnowThunderstorm = 61_548


NightSnowWind = 61_542


NightSprinkle = 61_497


NightStormShowers = 61_498


NightThunderstorm = 61_499


LunarEclipse = 61_552


Stars = 61_559


StormShowers = 61_469


Thunderstorm = 61_470


NightAltCloudyHigh = 61_566


NightCloudyHigh = 61_568


NightAltPartlyCloudy = 61_569


Cloud = 61_505


Cloudy = 61_459


CloudyGusts = 61_457


CloudyWindy = 61_458


Fog = 61_460


Hail = 61_461


Rain = 61_465


RainMix = 61_463


RainWind = 61_464


Showers = 61_466


Sleet = 61_621


Snow = 61_467


Sprinkle = 61_468


SnowWind = 61_540


Smog = 61_556


Smoke = 61_538


Lightning = 61_462


Raindrops = 61_518


Raindrop = 61_560


Dust = 61_539


SnowflakeCold = 61_558


Windy = 61_473


StrongWind = 61_520


Sandstorm = 61_570


Earthquake = 61_638


Fire = 61_639


Flood = 61_564


Meteor = 61_553


Tsunami = 61_637


Volcano = 61_640


Hurricane = 61_555


Tornado = 61_526


SmallCraftAdvisory = 61_644


GaleWarning = 61_645


StormWarning = 61_646


HurricaneWarning = 61_647


WindDirection = 61_617


Alien = 61_557


Celsius = 61_500


Fahrenheit = 61_509


Degrees = 61_506


Thermometer = 61_525


ThermometerExterior = 61_523


ThermometerInternal = 61_524


CloudDown = 61_501


CloudUp = 61_504


CloudRefresh = 61_502


Horizon = 61_511


HorizonAlt = 61_510


Sunrise = 61_521


Sunset = 61_522


Moonrise = 61_641


Moonset = 61_642


Refresh = 61_516


RefreshAlt = 61_515


Umbrella = 61_572


Barometer = 61_561


Humidity = 61_562


Na = 61_563


Train = 61_643


MoonNew = 61_589


MoonWaxingCrescent1 = 61_590


MoonWaxingCrescent2 = 61_591


MoonWaxingCrescent3 = 61_592


MoonWaxingCrescent4 = 61_593


MoonWaxingCrescent5 = 61_594


MoonWaxingCrescent6 = 61_595


MoonFirstQuarter = 61_596


MoonWaxingGibbous1 = 61_597


MoonWaxingGibbous2 = 61_598


MoonWaxingGibbous3 = 61_599


MoonWaxingGibbous4 = 61_600


MoonWaxingGibbous5 = 61_601


MoonWaxingGibbous6 = 61_602


MoonFull = 61_603


MoonWaningGibbous1 = 61_604


MoonWaningGibbous2 = 61_605


MoonWaningGibbous3 = 61_606


MoonWaningGibbous4 = 61_607


MoonWaningGibbous5 = 61_608


MoonWaningGibbous6 = 61_609


MoonThirdQuarter = 61_610


MoonWaningCrescent1 = 61_611


MoonWaningCrescent2 = 61_612


MoonWaningCrescent3 = 61_613


MoonWaningCrescent4 = 61_614


MoonWaningCrescent5 = 61_615


MoonWaningCrescent6 = 61_616


MoonAltNew = 61_675


MoonAltWaxingCrescent1 = 61_648


MoonAltWaxingCrescent2 = 61_649


MoonAltWaxingCrescent3 = 61_650


MoonAltWaxingCrescent4 = 61_651


MoonAltWaxingCrescent5 = 61_652


MoonAltWaxingCrescent6 = 61_653


MoonAltFirstQuarter = 61_654


MoonAltWaxingGibbous1 = 61_655


MoonAltWaxingGibbous2 = 61_656


MoonAltWaxingGibbous3 = 61_657


MoonAltWaxingGibbous4 = 61_658


MoonAltWaxingGibbous5 = 61_659


MoonAltWaxingGibbous6 = 61_660


MoonAltFull = 61_661


MoonAltWaningGibbous1 = 61_662


MoonAltWaningGibbous2 = 61_663


MoonAltWaningGibbous3 = 61_664


MoonAltWaningGibbous4 = 61_665


MoonAltWaningGibbous5 = 61_666


MoonAltWaningGibbous6 = 61_667


MoonAltThirdQuarter = 61_668


MoonAltWaningCrescent1 = 61_669


MoonAltWaningCrescent2 = 61_670


MoonAltWaningCrescent3 = 61_671


MoonAltWaningCrescent4 = 61_672


MoonAltWaningCrescent5 = 61_673


MoonAltWaningCrescent6 = 61_674


Time1 = 61_578


Time2 = 61_579


Time3 = 61_580


Time4 = 61_581


Time5 = 61_582


Time6 = 61_583


Time7 = 61_584


Time8 = 61_585


Time9 = 61_586


Time10 = 61_587


Time11 = 61_588


Time12 = 61_577


DirectionUp = 61_528


DirectionUpRight = 61_527


DirectionRight = 61_517


DirectionDownRight = 61_576


DirectionDown = 61_508


DirectionDownLeft = 61_507


DirectionLeft = 61_512


DirectionUpLeft = 61_575


WindBeaufort0 = 61_623


WindBeaufort1 = 61_624


WindBeaufort2 = 61_625


WindBeaufort3 = 61_626


WindBeaufort4 = 61_627


WindBeaufort5 = 61_628


WindBeaufort6 = 61_629


WindBeaufort7 = 61_630


WindBeaufort8 = 61_631


WindBeaufort9 = 61_632


WindBeaufort10 = 61_633


WindBeaufort11 = 61_634


WindBeaufort12 = 61_635

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Icon


fn clone(&self) -> Icon

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Icon


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Display for Icon


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl PartialEq for Icon


fn eq(&self, other: &Icon) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Copy for Icon


impl StructuralPartialEq for Icon

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Icon


impl RefUnwindSafe for Icon


impl Send for Icon


impl Sync for Icon


impl Unpin for Icon


impl UnwindSafe for Icon

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> ToString for T
where T: Display + ?Sized,


default fn to_string(&self) -> String

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.