Macro wayland_client::wayland_env [] [src]

macro_rules! wayland_env {
    ($name: ident) => { ... };
    ($name: ident, $($global_name: ident : $global_type: path),+) => { ... };

Create an environment handling struct

To be used in conjunction with the EnvHandler utility.

Declare the globals your application needs to use, like this, following the general pattern: $name : $type:

use wayland_client::protocol::{Wl_compositor,wl_shell};

    compositor: wl_compositor::WlCompositor,
    shell : wl_shell::WlShell

$name (compositor and shell in this example) are the name of the fields that will contain the global objects one initialisation is done. $type must be a wayland object type, implementing the Proxy trait.

If more than one field with a given type are provided, the handler will expect the server to declare as many global objects of given type. If more globals of a given type are declared by the server than in this macro, only the first N will be bound in the environment struct.

This utility will interpret all globals declared in this macro as necessary, and thus will not give you access to anything util they have all been declared by the compositor. As such, only declare globals that your application cannot run without, like probably wl_compositor, wl_shm or wl_seat. If there are globals that you can optionnaly use, you'll have to instanciate them manually via WlRegistry::bind(..).