Crate waxosuit_guest

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The waxosuit-guest library provides WebAssembly module developers with access to the Waxosuit host runtime. Each guest module has a single call handler, declared with the call_handler! macro. Inside this call handler, the guest module should check the operation of the delivered message and handle it accordingly, returning any binary payload in response. It is the responsibility of the guest module to ensure that the capability provider will be able to understand whichever messages it sends.


extern crate waxosuit_guest as guest;

use guest::prelude::*;


pub fn handle_call(ctx: &CapabilitiesContext, operation: &str, msg: &[u8]) -> CallResult {
    match operation {
        http::OP_HANDLE_REQUEST => hello_world(ctx, msg),
        core::OP_HEALTH_REQUEST => Ok(vec![]),
        _ => Err("bad dispatch".into()),

fn hello_world(
   _ctx: &CapabilitiesContext,
   _msg: &[u8]) -> CallResult {



  • Key-Value Store
  • Message Broker
  • Glob imports for common guest module development
  • Raw capability provider interface



  • The capabilities context is the gateway through which all guest modules communicate with a host runtime. A reference to a capabilities context is passed to the call handler defined by the guest module. Individual capabilities are separated through function calls for each capability provider, including any bound opaque raw providers.


  • Utility function to easily convert a prost Message into a byte vector