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Prelude to use essentials: use my_module::prelude::*.


Edge of a graph.

Kind of a edge.

Graph edges of which is possible to enumerate.

Graph interface which allow to add more edges.

Graph nodes of which has a kind.

Graph which know how to iterate neighbourhood of a node and capable to convert id of a node into a node.

Graph nodes of which is possible to enumerate.

Graph interface which allow to add more nodes. Know nothing about edges.

Graph nodes of which has a kind.

Graph which know how to iterate neighbourhood of a node and capable to convert id of a node into a node.

Instance has an id.

Interface to identify an instance of somthing with ability to increase it to generate a new one.

Interface to identify an instance of somthing, for exampel a node.

Node of a graph.

Interface of a type responsible for constructing nodes.

Kind of a node.