Crate waterworks

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  • Continue describes whether a pipeline should continue running after its inspection callback returns.
  • A PipelineResult is the type returned when a pipeline is ran, i.e., by calling the run method on the Pipeline trait


  • The Extend trait allows extending a pipeline by attaching a new Stage to it that takes the current pipeline’s End type as Input
  • A Pipeline describes a full sequence of Stages, each executing in sequence. The pipeline as a whole takes in a defined Start (the Input of the first Stage) and returns a PipelineResult of either End (the Output)of the final Stage), Error if either of the Stages returns an error, or PipelineResult::Cancelled if any of the stagee’s inspection callbacks cancels the pipeline execution (see Continue)
  • A Stage describes a single, potentially fallible, step of a pipeline. It takes (via the run method), a specific Input and returns either its defined Output or the pipeline’s defined Error type


  • The pipeline method constructs the beginning of a pipeline, running a single Stage with its associated inspection callback. See Extend::and_then for more information about the inspection callback