wasmedge_http_req 0.9.0

HTTP client for the WasmEdge network socket API. Derived from the http_req library.
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Simple and lightweight HTTP client for the low level wasmedge_wasi_socket library. It is to be compiled into WebAssembly bytecode targets and run on the WasmEdge Runtime.

This project is forked and derived from the http_req project created by jayjamesjay.


Basic GET request

use wasmedge_http_req::request;

fn main() {
    let mut writer = Vec::new(); //container for body of a response
    let res = request::get("", &mut writer).unwrap();

    println!("Status: {} {}", res.status_code(), res.reason());

How to use:

wasmedge_http_req  = "0.8.1"