Expand description
Macro for building wasmCloud capability providers from WIT contracts.
For example, to build a capability provider for the wasmcloud:keyvalue contract:
impl_struct: KvRedisProvider,
contract: "wasmcloud:keyvalue",
wit_bindgen_cfg: "provider-kvredis"
struct YourProvider;
All content after wit_bindgen_cfg:
is fed to the underlying bindgen (wasmtime::component::macro). In this example, “provider-kvredis” refers to the WIT world that your component will inhabit – expected to be found at <project root>/wit/<your world name>.wit
. An example world file:
package wasmcloud:provider-kvredis
world provider-kvredis {
import wasmcloud:keyvalue/key-value
For more information on the options available to underlying bindgen, see the wasmtime-component-bindgen documentation.
- This macro generates functionality necessary to use a WIT-enabled Rust providers (binaries that are managed by the host)