[][src]Attribute Macro wasm_run::main


Makes an entrypoint to your binary (not WASM).

It requires to be used with structopt on an enum. Please consult the documentation of structopt if you don't know how to make an enum with it.

By default it provides a command Build and a command Serve which you can override simply by providing them manually. Otherwise it uses the defaults (DefaultBuildArgs and DefaultServeArgs).

There are a number of named arguments you can provide to the macro:

  • other_cli_commands: a function that is called if you have added new commands to the enum;
  • post_build: a function that is called when the build is finished (after the optimization with wasm-opt);
  • watch: a function that is called when the watcher is being initialized (allowing you to add extra things to watch for example);
  • serve: (only if built with the serve feature): a function that is called when the HTTP serve is getting configured;
  • run_server: (only if built without the serve feature): a function that is called to run the HTTP server;
  • default_build_path: a function that is called that provides the default directory path when the user didn't provide it through the command-line arguments (the default is workspace root/build).

You can also change the package that is built by providing its name in the first positional argument:

This example is not tested


use anyhow::Result;
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use structopt::StructOpt;
use wasm_run::prelude::*;

/// Makes an entrypoint to your binary.
    other_cli_commands = run_other_cli_commands,
    post_build = post_build,
    serve = serve,
    watch = watch,
    default_build_path = default_build_path,
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
enum Cli {

/// Define a custom `build` command.
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
struct BuildCommand {
    i: i32,

impl BuildArgs for BuildCommand {
    fn build_path(&self) -> &PathBuf {

    fn profiling(&self) -> bool {

/// Define a custom `serve` command.
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
struct ServeCommand {
    build_args: BuildCommand,

    j: i32,

impl ServeArgs for ServeCommand {
    fn build_args(&self) -> &dyn BuildArgs {

    fn log(&self) -> bool {

    fn ip(&self) -> &str {

    fn port(&self) -> u16 {

/// This function is called if you have added new commands to the enum.
fn run_other_cli_commands(cli: Cli, _metadata: &Metadata, _package: &Package) -> Result<()> {
    match cli {
        Cli::Build(_) | Cli::Serve(_) => unreachable!(),
        Cli::Hello => println!("Hello World!"),


/// This function is called after the build.
fn post_build(
    args: &BuildCommand,
    _profile: BuildProfile,
    wasm_js: String,
    wasm_bin: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<()> {
    let _i = args.i;

    let build_path = args.build_path();
    fs::write(build_path.join("app.js"), wasm_js)?;
    fs::write(build_path.join("app_bg.wasm"), wasm_bin)?;
        "<html><body>Custom index.html</body>",


/// This function is called before serving files.
fn serve(args: &ServeCommand, server: &mut Server<()>) -> Result<()> {
    let _j = args.j;

    use tide::{Body, Response};

    let build_path = args.build_args().build_path();
    let index_path = build_path.join("index.html");

    server.at("/").get(move |_| {
        let index_path = index_path.clone();
        async move { Ok(Response::from(Body::from_file(index_path).await?)) }


/// This function is called when the watcher is being initialized.
fn watch(args: &ServeCommand, watcher: &mut RecommendedWatcher) -> Result<()> {
    let _j = args.j;

    use notify::{RecursiveMode, Watcher};
    use std::collections::HashSet;
    use std::iter::FromIterator;

    let metadata = args.build_args().metadata();

    let _ = watcher.watch("index.html", RecursiveMode::Recursive);

    let members: HashSet<_> = HashSet::from_iter(&metadata.workspace_members);

    for package in metadata.packages.iter().filter(|x| members.contains(&x.id)) {
        let _ = watcher.watch(&package.manifest_path, RecursiveMode::Recursive);
        let _ = watcher.watch(


/// Define another build path if not provided by the user in the command-line arguments.
fn default_build_path(metadata: &Metadata, _package: &Package) -> PathBuf {