wasm-mt 0.1.0

A multithreading library for Rust and WebAssembly.
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A multithreading library for Rust and WebAssembly.

wasm-mt helps you create and execute Web Worker based threads. You can program the threads simply using Rust closures and orchestrate them with async/await.


Getting started



wasm-mt = "0.1"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_closure = "0.2"

Creating a thread

First, create a [WasmMt] thread builder with [new][WasmMt::new] and initialize it:

use wasm_mt::prelude::*;

let pkg_js = "./pkg/exec.js"; // path to `wasm-bindgen`'s JS binding
let mt = WasmMt::new(pkg_js).and_init().await.unwrap();

Then, create a [wasm_mt::Thread][Thread] with the [thread][WasmMt::thread] function and initialize it:

let th = mt.thread().and_init().await.unwrap();

Executing a thread

Using the [exec!] macro, you can execute a closure in the thread and await the result:

// fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a + b }

let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let ans = exec!(th, move || {
    let c = add(a, b);

assert_eq!(ans, JsValue::from(3));

You can also execute an async closure with exec!:

// use wasm_mt::utils::sleep;
// async fn sub(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
//    sleep(1000).await;
//    a - b
// }

let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let ans = exec!(th, async move || {
    let c = sub(a, b).await;

assert_eq!(ans, JsValue::from(-1));

Executing JavaScript in a thread

Using the [exec_js!] macro, you can execute JavaScript within a thread:

let ans = exec_js!(th, "
    const add = (a, b) => a + b;
    return add(1, 2);
assert_eq!(ans, JsValue::from(3));

Similarly, use [exec_js_async!] for running asynchronous JavaScript:

let ans = exec_js_async!(th, "
    const sub = (a, b) => new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => resolve(a - b), 1000);
    return await sub(1, 2);
assert_eq!(ans, JsValue::from(-1));

Making executors

By using [wasm_mt:Thread][Thread], you can easily create custom executors. One such example is the wasm-mt-pool crate. It provides a thread pool that is based on the work stealing scheduling strategy.

Here, for simplicity, we show the implementation of much more straightforward executors: a serial executor and a parallel executor.

First, prepare a Vec<wasm_mt::Thread> containing initialized threads:

let mut v: Vec<wasm_mt::Thread> = vec![];
for i in 0..4 {
    let th = mt.thread().and_init().await?;

Then, here's the executors in action. Note, in the latter case, we are using wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local to dispatch the threads in parallel.

console_ln!("🔥 serial executor:");
for th in &v {
    console_ln!("starting a thread");
    let ans = exec!(th, move || Ok(JsValue::from(42))).await?;
    console_ln!("ans: {:?}", ans);

console_ln!("🔥 parallel executor:");
for th in v {
    spawn_local(async move {
        console_ln!("starting a thread");
        let ans = exec!(th, move || Ok(JsValue::from(42))).await.unwrap();
        console_ln!("ans: {:?}", ans);

Observe the starting/ending timing of each thread in the developer console:

🔥 serial executor:
starting a thread
ans: JsValue(42)
starting a thread
ans: JsValue(42)
starting a thread
ans: JsValue(42)
starting a thread
ans: JsValue(42)
🔥 parallel executor:
(4) starting a thread
(4) ans: JsValue(42)