Crate wasm_bindgen_derive

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This is a specialized crate exporting a derive macro TryFromJsValue that serves as a basis for workarounds for some lapses of functionality in wasm-bindgen.

§Optional arguments and return values

wasm-bindgen supports method arguments of the form Option<T>, where T is an exported type, but it has an unexpected side effect on the JS side: the value passed to a method this way gets consumed (mimicking Rust semantics). See wasm-bindgen#2370. Option<&T> is not currently supported, but an equivalent behavior can be implemented manually.

extern crate alloc;
use js_sys::Error;
use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::wasm_bindgen, JsCast, JsValue};
use wasm_bindgen_derive::{TryFromJsValue, try_from_js_option, into_js_option};

// Derive `TryFromJsValue` for the target structure (note that it has to come
// before the `[#wasm_bindgen]` attribute, and requires `Clone`):
struct MyType(usize);

// To have a correct typing annotation generated for TypeScript, declare a custom type.
extern "C" {
    #[wasm_bindgen(typescript_type = "MyType | undefined")]
    pub type OptionMyType;

// Use this type in the function signature.
pub fn option_example(value: &OptionMyType) -> Result<OptionMyType, Error> {
    // Use a helper to extract the typed value
    let typed_value = try_from_js_option::<MyType>(value).map_err(|err| Error::new(&err))?;

    // Now we have `typed_value: Option<MyType>`.

    // Return it
    // Note that if `typed_value` is `None`, `into_js_option()` creates a `JsValue::UNDEFINED`.

§Vector arguments

With the closing of wasm-bindgen#111, it is now possible to return Vec<MyType> values. Having an argument of type Vec<MyType> compiles, but results in an unexpected behavior similar to that with Option<MyType>: all the elements of the input array (but not the array itself) are invalidated on the JS side. So this crate can still be used to take array arguments without invalidating them.

extern crate alloc;
use js_sys::Error;
use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::wasm_bindgen, JsCast, JsValue};
use wasm_bindgen_derive::{TryFromJsValue, try_from_js_array, into_js_array};

struct MyType(usize);

// To have a correct typing annotation generated for TypeScript, declare a custom type.
extern "C" {
    #[wasm_bindgen(typescript_type = "MyType[]")]
    pub type MyTypeArray;

// Use this type in the function signature.
pub fn vec_example(val: &MyTypeArray) -> Result<MyTypeArray, Error> {
    // Use a helper to extract the typed array
    let typed_array = try_from_js_array::<MyType>(val).map_err(|err| Error::new(&err))?;

    // Now we have `typed_array: Vec<MyType>`.

    // Return the array

// Post wasm-bindgen 0.2.91, we can just return a vector
pub fn vec_example_simplified(val: &MyTypeArray) -> Result<Vec<MyType>, Error> {
    // Use a helper to extract the typed array
    let typed_array = try_from_js_array::<MyType>(val).map_err(|err| Error::new(&err))?;

    // Now we have `typed_array: Vec<MyType>`.

    // Return the array


  • Converts the given iterator into a JS array of the custom type T.
  • Converts the given optional typed value into a JS value with the custom type T.
  • Attempts to unpack a JS array into a vector of typed values.
  • Attempts to unpack a JS value into a typed value, returning None if the JS value is undefined.

Derive Macros§

  • Derives a TryFrom<&JsValue> for a type exported using #[wasm_bindgen].