Crate wasi_nn

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This project provides high-level wasi-nn bindings for Rust. The basic idea: write your machine learning application in a high-level language using these bindings, compile it to WebAssembly, and run it in a WebAssembly runtime that supports the wasi-nn proposal.


use wasi_nn::{GraphBuilder, GraphEncoding, ExecutionTarget, TensorType};

fn test(model_path: &'static str) -> Result<(), wasi_nn::Error> {
    // Prepare input and output buffer; the input and output buffer can be any sized type, such
    // as u8, f32, etc.
    let input = vec![0f32; 224 * 224 * 3];
    let input_dim = vec![1, 224, 224, 3];
    let mut output_buffer = vec![0f32; 1001];

    // Build a tflite graph from a file and set an input tensor.
    let graph = GraphBuilder::new(GraphEncoding::TensorflowLite, ExecutionTarget::CPU).build_from_files([model_path])?;
    let mut ctx = graph.init_execution_context()?;
    ctx.set_input(0, TensorType::F32, &input_dim, &input)?;

    // Do the inference.

    // Copy output to abuffer.
    let output_bytes = ctx.get_output(0, &mut output_buffer)?;
    assert_eq!(output_bytes, output_buffer.len() * std::mem::size_of::<f32>());


This crate is experimental and will change to adapt the upstream wasi-nn proposal.

Now version is based on git commit f47f35c00c946cb0e3229f11f288bda9d3d12cff



  • Wraps wasi-nn API errors.
  • Define where the graph should be executed.
  • Describes the encoding of the graph. This allows the API to be implemented by various backends that encode (i.e., serialize) their graph IR with different formats.
  • The type of the elements in a tensor.