Expand description

WebAssembly interpreter with customizable trade-off between footprint and performance.

The main concepts of this crate are:

  • A Store contains instantiated modules and permits execution. Note that execution within the same store must follow a stack behavior. A function “bar” may be called while a function “foo” is running: “bar” will temporarily interrupt “foo” until “bar” returns at which point “foo” would resume. This is to avoid corrupting the stack within the same instance. Once the WebAssembly threads proposal lands, this restriction may be removed.

  • A Module represents a valid module. Only valid modules may be instantiated. A module is just a byte slice holding a WebAssembly module in binary format.

  • A RunResult represents the result of a (possibly partial) execution. When invoking an exported function from an instance in a store, or when resuming the execution after a call to the host, a RunResult is returned providing either the next call to the host or whether execution of the most recently invoked function terminated along with its results.


For a concrete “hello” example, see examples/hello.rs which walks through most important steps in using this crate. Otherwise, here are some short excerpts:

Creating a store can simply use the Default trait:

let mut store = Store::default();

Linking a host function in a store is done with Store::link_func():

store.link_func("env", "add", 2, 1)?;

Instantiating a valid module in a store is done with Store::instantiate():

let inst = store.instantiate(module, memory)?;

Invoking a function exported by an instance is done with Store::invoke():

let mut result = store.invoke(inst, "mul", vec![Val::I32(13), Val::I32(29)])?;

Processing a call to the host is done with the Call in RunResult::Host:

loop {
    let mut call = match result {
        RunResult::Done(results) => return Ok(results),
        RunResult::Host(call) => call,
    let results = process(&mut call)?;
    result = call.resume(&results)?;





  • Checks whether a WASM module in binary format is valid.