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Models and custom GraphQL endpoints.


Configuration for a Warpgrapher data model. The configuration contains the version of the Warpgrapher configuration file format, a vector of Type structures, and a vector of Endpoint structures.

Configuration item for custom endpoints

Configuration item describing a type used with a custom GraphQL endpoint, either as the input to the custom endpoint, or as its output

Configuration item for endpoint filters. This allows configuration to control which of the basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations are auto-generated for a Type or a Relationship. If a filter boolean is set to true, the operation is generated. False indicates that the operation should not be generated.

Configuration item for a property on a GraphQL type, modeled as properties on a graph node.

Configuration item for a relationship on a GraphQL type

Configuration item for a GraphQL type. In back-end storage, the type is recorded in a label attached to the graph node.

Configuration item for property usage filters. This allows configuration to control which of the basic creation input, query input, update input, and output uses are auto-generated for a Property. If a filter boolean is set to true, the use of the property is generated. False indicates that the property should be omitted from use. For example, one might set the output use to true and all other uses to false for calculated value that is derived upon request but would never appear in the creation or update of a node. If all are set to false, the property is hidden, meaning that it can be read from and written to the database but does not appear in the client-facing GraphQL schema.


Determines whether a custom GraphQL endpoint is a query or mutation endpoint

Enumeration representing Graphql scalar types

Enumeration representing the definition of a type used as the optional input or the output for a custom GraphQL endpooint


Creates a combined Configuration data structure from multiple Configuration structs. All Configuration structs must be the same version.