Crate walletd_hd_key

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Walletd HD Key

Library for generating BIP32 compliant HD keys to facilitate Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallets. Supports multiple HD key derivation paths including BIP44, BIP49, and BIP84. Has support for customization of the derivation path.

Quickstart Guide

The HDKey struct is the main entry point for the library. You can create a new master HDKey from a Seed and also derive a child HDKey.

The network type HDNetworkType is associated with each HDKey which affects the format of the associated ExtendedPrivateKey and ExtendedPublicKey when serialized. The derivation path HDPath can be customized to support different HD key derivation schemes including various HDPurpose types such as BIP44, BIP49, and BIP84. The HDPathBuilder struct which can be easily accessed through HDPath::builder() implements common default settings for the HDPath and can be used to customize the HDPath to your needs.

Master HD Key from a Seed

Here’s how you can import a master hd key based on a seed hex:

use walletd_hd_key::prelude::*;
let seed_hex = "a2fd9c0522d84d52ee4c8533dc02d4b69b4df9b6255e1af20c9f1d4d691689f2a38637eb1ec778972bf845c32d5ae83c7536999b5666397ac32021b21e0accee";;
let seed = Seed::from_str(seed_hex)?;
let master_hd_key = HDKey::new_master(seed, HDNetworkType::TestNet)?;
assert_eq!(master_hd_key.depth(), 0);
println!("master hd key depth {}", master_hd_key.depth());

Setting a network type on the HDKey is required, you should select HDNetworkType::TestNet during development and testing purposes and to avoid using real funds and HDNetworkType::MainNet for production level code with caution. Be sure to be consistent with HDNetworkType when connecting to the blockchain, make sure to use a compatible blockchain for the specified network type category.

HD Key Serialization, WIF

The Wallet Import Format (WIF) is a standard way to encode private keys. The extended public key and extended private key can be serialized using the serialized string format

How to display these key formats for an HDKey:

println!("wif of master hd key {}", master_hd_key.to_wif().unwrap());
    "master hd key extended public key: {}",
    "master hd key extended private key: {}",

Specify Derivation Path

Can flexibly specify the derivation path using the HDPathBuilder. The default HDPathBuilder which can be accessed through HDPath::builder() does not specify the purpose, or coin type, and uses the hardened indices for the purpose, coin type, and account indices.

use walletd_hd_key::prelude::*;
use slip44::{Coin, Symbol};

let default_deriv_path = HDPath::builder().build().to_string();
// without specifying the purpose, the default derivation path is "m
assert_eq!(default_deriv_path, "m");
println!("default derivation path: {}", default_deriv_path);

// can flexibly specify the derivation path using the HDPathBuilder
let account_deriv_path = HDPath::builder()

assert_eq!(account_deriv_path, "m/44'/60'/0'");

Derive Child HD Key

Can derive a child key from the master key or a parent key using the HDKey::derive method.

let eth_first_account_key = master_hd_key.derive(&account_deriv_path.to_string())?;
"eth_first_account_key depth {}",
assert_eq!(eth_first_account_key.depth(), 3);

Can also use a string directly to represent the derivation path, ' or h can be used to denote a hardened index.

let account_deriv_path = HDPath::builder()
let compare_account_key = master_hd_key.derive("m/44h/60h/0h")?;
assert_eq!(eth_first_account_key, compare_account_key);

let address_key1 = master_hd_key.derive("m/44h/60h/0h/0/0")?;
let address_key2 = eth_first_account_key.derive("m/44'/60'/0'/0/0")?;
assert_eq!(address_key1, address_key2);

A shortcut way to get a derived HDKey directly from a master seed, with a specified HDNetworkType and a derivation path is to use the HDKey::new method.

let custom_key_path = HDPath::builder()

assert_eq!(custom_key_path, "m/84'/1'/0'/1/0'");
let derived_key = HDKey::new(
println!("derived_key: {:?}", derived_key);
println!("derived_key depth: {}", derived_key.depth());
println!("derived_key wif: {}", derived_key.to_wif()?);
  "derived_key public key: {}",
  "derived_key private key: {}",
 // Can also just display the bytes in the extended private and public keys as a hex
  "derived_key public key hex: {:x}",
    "derived_key private key hex: {:x}",



  • This prelude module simplifies importing many useful items from the walletd_hd_key crate using a glob import.


  • A wrapper around the secp256k1::SecretKey struct to be used with HDKey.
  • A wrapper around the secp256k1::PublicKey struct to be used with HDKey
  • Represents a master or a derived child HD (Hierarchical Deterministic) key.
  • Contains a vector of HDPathIndex to represent a derivation path for a HDKey and relevant helper functions.
  • A builder for the HDPath struct, it allows specification of the standard full path and also which components are hardened. The default implementation uses the standard format for the full path.
  • Stores the secret value which can be used to derive a hierarchical deterministic wallet. Often associated with a mnemonic phrase.


  • Custom error type for this crate
  • Represents the different network types relevant to HDKey.
  • Represents the variants of different derivation path components.
  • Represents the different derivation path schemes currently supported by the walletd_hd_key library.