[][src]Function walkr::find

pub fn find(
    dir: &Path,
    search_str: &String,
    cb: &dyn Fn(&DirEntry)
) -> Result<()>

Recursively search a directory for a files matching a regex and execute a closure on that regex.


  • dir - &Path of the directory to begin searching in
  • search_str - &String containing the regex to match files on
  • cb - &Fn(&DirEntry) to be called for each file match


match walkr::find(Path::new("./"), &"\\.rs".to_owned(), &|d| {
  println!("File: {:?} matched!", d.file_name().into_string().unwrap());

  // open the file and print the contents to stdout
  let mut f = File::open(d.path()).unwrap();
  let mut s = String::new();
  match f.read_to_string(&mut s) {
    Ok(_) => {
      println!("{:?}", s);
    Err(e) => panic!(e)
}) {
  Ok(_) => println!("done"),
  Err(e) => panic!(e)