Expand description
This is the Rust version of the Waifu Vault SDK which is used to interact with the file upload service.
For Terms of Service and usage policy, please refer to the above website.
§Uploading a file
use waifuvault::{
api::{WaifuUploadRequest, WaifuResponse}
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let caller = ApiCaller::new();
// Upload a file from disk
let request = WaifuUploadRequest::new()
.file("/some/file/path") // Path to a file
.password("set a password") // Set a password
.one_time_download(true); // Delete after first access
let response = caller.upload_file(request).await?;
// Upload a file from a URL
let request = WaifuUploadRequest::new()
.url("https://some-website/image.jpg"); // URL to content
let response = caller.upload_file(request).await?;
// Upload a file from raw bytes
let data = std::fs::read("some/file/path")?;
let request = WaifuUploadRequest::new()
.bytes(data, "name-to-store.rs"); // Raw file content and name to store on the vault
let response = caller.upload_file(request).await?;
§Get File Information
use waifuvault::{
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let caller = ApiCaller::new();
let request = WaifuGetRequest::new("some-waifu-vault-token");
let response = caller.file_info(request).await?;
// Do something with the response
§Modify Existing File Properties
use waifuvault::{
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let caller = ApiCaller::new();
let request = WaifuModificationRequest::new("some-waifu-vault-token")
.password("new_password") // Set a new password
.previous_password("old_password") // Old password
.custom_expiry("1h") // Set a new expiry
.hide_filename(true); // Hide the filename
let response = caller.update_file(request).await?;
// Do something with the response
§Delete a file from Waifu Vault
use waifuvault::ApiCaller;
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let caller = ApiCaller::new();
let response = caller.delete_file("some-waifu-token").await?;
§Download a file
use waifuvault::ApiCaller;
use std::io::Write;
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let caller = ApiCaller::new();
// Download a file with no password
let content = caller.download_file("https://waifuvault.moe/f/some-file.ext", None).await?;
let mut f = std::fs::File::create("downloaded_file.txt")?;
// Download a file with no password
let content = caller.download_file("https://waifuvault.moe/f/some-other-file.ext", Some("password".to_string())).await?;
let mut f = std::fs::File::create("downloaded_file2.txt")?;
§Create a Bucket
use waifuvault::{ApiCaller, api::WaifuUploadRequest};
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let caller = ApiCaller::new();
// Create a new bucket to upload files to
let bucket = caller.create_bucket().await?;
// You can now use the bucket token to upload files to the bucket
let request = WaifuUploadRequest::new()
.password("set a password")
let response = caller.upload_file(request).await?;
// Do something with the response
§Delete a Bucket
use waifuvault::ApiCaller;
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let caller = ApiCaller::new();
let token = "some-bucket-token";
// Delete the bucket and all files within
§Get Bucket information
use waifuvault::ApiCaller;
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let caller = ApiCaller::new();
let token = "some-bucket-token";
// Get bucket information
let info = caller.get_bucket(token).await?;
// You can now get access to the file information for files inside the bucket
for file in info.files.iter() {
// Do something with the file information
- API types that can be received from the Waifu Vault API
- Api controller which calls the endpoint