Expand description

The layout of descriptor sets and push constants used by a pipeline.


The layout itself only describes the descriptors and push constants, and does not contain their content itself. Instead, you can think of it as a struct definition that states which members there are, what types they have, and in what order. One could imagine a Rust definition somewhat like this:

struct MyPipelineLayout {
    push_constants: Pc,
    descriptor_set0: Ds0,
    descriptor_set1: Ds1,
    descriptor_set2: Ds2,
    descriptor_set3: Ds3,

Of course, a pipeline layout is created at runtime, unlike a Rust type.

Layout compatibility

When binding descriptor sets or setting push constants, you must provide a pipeline layout. This layout is used to decide where in memory Vulkan should write the new data. The descriptor sets and push constants can later be read by dispatch or draw calls, but only if the bound pipeline being used for the command has a layout that is compatible with the layout that was used to bind the resources.

Compatible means that the pipeline layout must be the same object, or a different layout in which the push constant ranges and descriptor set layouts were be identically defined. However, Vulkan allows for partial compatibility as well. In the struct analogy used above, one could imagine that using a different definition would leave some members with the same offset and size within the struct as in the old definition, while others are no longer positioned correctly. For example, if a new, incompatible type were used for Ds1, then the descriptor_set1, descriptor_set2 and descriptor_set3 members would no longer be correct, but descriptor_set0 and push_constants would remain accessible in the new layout. Because of this behaviour, the following rules apply to compatibility between the layouts used in subsequent descriptor set binding calls:

  • An incompatible definition of Pc invalidates all bound descriptor sets.
  • An incompatible definition of DsN invalidates all bound descriptor sets N and higher.
  • If N is the highest set being assigned in a bind command, and it and all lower sets have compatible definitions, including the push constants, then descriptor sets above N remain valid.

SyncCommandBufferBuilder keeps track of this state and will automatically remove descriptor sets that have been invalidated by incompatible layouts in subsequent binding commands.

Creating pipeline layouts

A pipeline layout is a Vulkan object type, represented in Vulkano with the PipelineLayout type. Each pipeline that you create holds a pipeline layout object.


Describes the layout of descriptor sets and push constants that are made available to shaders.
Parameters to create a new PipelineLayout.
Description of a range of the push constants of a pipeline layout.


Error that can happen when creating a pipeline layout.
Error when checking whether a pipeline layout is a superset of another one.