Module vulkanalia::vk[][src]

Expand description

Vulkan bindings for Rust.


A builder for a BufferCopy.

An array containing a sequence of bytes.

A builder for a ClearRect.

Loaded Vulkan device commands.

Loaded Vulkan entry commands.

Result codes that indicate errors.

A collection of metadata for a Vulkan extension.

A builder for a Extent2D.

A builder for a Extent3D.

A builder for a GeometryNV.

A builder for a ImageBlit.

A builder for a ImageCopy.

Loaded Vulkan instance commands.

A builder for a MemoryHeap.

A builder for a MemoryType.

A builder for a Offset2D.

A builder for a Offset3D.

A builder for a Rect2D.

A builder for a SRTDataNV.

Loaded Vulkan static commands.

An array containing a null-terminated string.

A builder for a SubmitInfo.

Result codes that indicate successes.

A builder for a Viewport.

A builder for a XYColorEXT.



A type that can be used interchangeably with another in FFI.

Vulkan 1.0 device command wrappers.

Vulkan 1.1 device command wrappers.

Vulkan 1.2 device command wrappers.

Vulkan 1.0 entry command wrappers.

Vulkan 1.1 entry command wrappers.

Vulkan 1.2 entry command wrappers.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a AttachmentDescription2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a AttachmentReference2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a BindBufferMemoryInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a BindImageMemoryInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a BindSparseInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a BufferCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a BufferImageCopy2KHR.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a CommandBufferBeginInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a CommandBufferInheritanceInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a ComputePipelineCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a DescriptorPoolCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a DescriptorSetAllocateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a DescriptorSetLayoutSupport.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a DeviceCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a DeviceQueueCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a FenceCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a FormatProperties2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a FramebufferCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a ImageBlit2KHR.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a ImageCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a ImageFormatProperties2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a ImageMemoryBarrier.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a ImageMemoryBarrier2KHR.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a ImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a ImageViewCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a InstanceCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a MemoryAllocateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a MemoryRequirements2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a PhysicalDeviceFeatures2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a PhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a PhysicalDeviceProperties2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a PhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a PresentInfoKHR.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a QueryPoolCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a QueueFamilyProperties2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a RayTracingPipelineCreateInfoKHR.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a RayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a RenderPassBeginInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a RenderPassCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a RenderPassCreateInfo2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a SamplerCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a SemaphoreCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a ShaderModuleCreateInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a SubmitInfo.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a SubmitInfo2KHR.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a SubpassDependency2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a SubpassDescription2.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a SurfaceCapabilities2KHR.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a SwapchainCreateInfoKHR.

A Vulkan struct that can be used to extend a WriteDescriptorSet.

A Vulkan handle type.

A Vulkan type that has an associated builder.

Vulkan 1.0 instance command wrappers.

Vulkan 1.1 instance command wrappers.

Vulkan 1.2 instance command wrappers.


Type Definitions

A Vulkan extension name.
