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vSMTP rule engine

vSMTP server is built with a runtime also called rule engine. This runtime can execute code provided in our superset of the https://rhai.rs language.

The viridIT scripting language (vsl) is a simple language that allow you to define rules and object to control the traffic on your MTA.

Further details on the official book of vSMTP: https://vsmtp.rs/reference/vSL/vsl.html


Module containing the backend for the vsl’s Rust API.
Build sub domain hierarchy configurations.


Fetch rule engine global variables by calling the rhai system functions.
A bail macro for rhai context similar to anyhow::bail macro.
An error formatting macro for rhai context similar to the anyhow::anyhow macro.
Transforms a generic error into the rhai boxed eval alt result.
checks if the mutex is poisoned & return a rhai runtime error if it is.
Transforms a generic error in a result into the rhai boxed eval alt result.


a sharable rhai engine. contains an ast representation of the user’s parsed .vsl script files, and modules / packages to create a cheap rhai runtime.
a state container that bridges rhai’s & rust contexts.


State of vsl rules execution


Create a new command module.
Create a new smtp module.