Expand description
This crate provides a nice and fast way to construct 2D Voronoi diagrams from a set of sites. It builds Voronoi diagrams by first obtaining its Delaunay triangulation, through the really fast delaunator crate, and then extracting its dual Voronoi diagram.
Both the Voronoi graph and its dual Delaunay graph are exposed through the Voronoi type.
use voronoice::*;
// voronoi sites
let sites = vec![
Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }, Point { x: 1.0, y: 0.0 }, Point { x: 0.0, y: 1.0 }
// builds a voronoi diagram from the set of sites above, bounded by a square of size 4
let my_voronoi = VoronoiBuilder::default()
// inspect cells through iterators
my_voronoi.iter_cells().for_each(|cell| {
println!("Vertices of cell: {:?}", cell.iter_vertices().collect::<Vec<&Point>>())
// or probe cells individually
let my_cell = my_voronoi.cell(1);
println!("Second cell has site {:?}, voronoi vertices {:?} and delaunay triangles {:?}",
// or, for graphical applications, that benefit from index buffers
// you can access the raw, indexed data
let all_voronoi_cell_vertices = my_voronoi.vertices();
let indexed_voronoi_cells = my_voronoi.cells();
println!("The first vertex position for the first voronoi cell is at {:?}",
- Defines a rectangular bounding box.
- Iterator that produces a path between two points in the Voronoi diagram that uses a greed approach to minimizes a cost function.
- Iterates over sites that are adjacent in the voronoi diagram.
- Represents a 2D point in the input vector.
- Iterates over sites that are topologically adjacent.
- The dual Delaunay-Voronoi graph.
- Provides a convenient way to construct a Voronoi diagram.
- Represents a Voronoi cell. This is an ergonomic way to access cell details.
- Defines how Voronoi generation will handle clipping of Voronoi cell edges within the bounding box.