Struct vk_generator::VkRegistry [] [src]

pub struct VkRegistry<'a> { /* fields omitted */ }

A struct representation of the Vulkan XML registry.


Binding generation is accomplished via the provided gen_global() and gen_struct() functions. The generation itself is a multi-step process, which proceeds roughly as follows:

  1. Load everything defined in the Vulkan registry
  2. Determine which functions and types are included in requested version and extensions
  3. Preprocess loaded types and transform their identifiers in a way specified by the GenConfig struct
  4. Generate type bindings with any zero-cost wrappers specified by GenConfig
  5. Generate function bindings

Because steps 1 through 4 are entirely identical between the two generation functions only the specifics of step 5 are covered here.

Global Generation

Global bindings are used similarly to any standard global function; once the function pointers are loaded they can be called with vk::{function_name}(...). However, in order to load the commands one must first call the provided vk::load_with(FnMut(&str) -> *const ()) function. This has a closure as an argument, which must take a string slice and return a function pointer that either corresponds to the provided function or is null if said function could not be found. Now, it is expected that there will be unfound functions due to the very nature of how Vulkan loads functions: getting an initial, command-loading function and then generating function pointers from that. Because of this, load_with() also serves to report any functions that haven't been loaded, returning a Result<(), Vec<&str>> with Err being returned if not all functions have been loaded and containing a list of all unloaded functions. Some is returned if all commands have been loaded. In any case, load_with() can be called again in order to attempt to re-load any unloaded functions.

mod vk {
    // include!{concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "")}

fn main() {
    vk::load_with(|s| vk_function_loader_example(s)).ok();

Struct Generation

The struct binding generator generates bindings that are methods of a Vk struct and don't load into a global state. Creating the Vk struct is done with the Vk::new() function; however, unlike the global function this does not load the functions. Instead they must be loaded with the vk.load_with(FnMut(&str) -> *const ()) function, as shown:

fn main() {
    let mut vk = vk::Vk::new();

    vk.load_with(|s| vk_function_loader_example(s)).ok();

    // Remove mutability from `vk`
    let vk = vk;

Like the global generator, vk.load_with() returns a result containing either nothing or a list of all unloaded functions. Successive calls to load_with() reload any functions that the loading function returns a non-null pointer to.


impl<'a> VkRegistry<'a>


Create a new registry based off of the supplied xml file. Said xml should be sourced from the vk_api crate, and can be based off of any version of the API.

impl<'a> VkRegistry<'a>


Write global bindings for Vulkan API version (1.0, 1.1, etc.) to the file write with the specified extensions and config


let out = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let mut file = File::create(&Path::new(&out).join("")).unwrap();
    &mut file,
    VkVersion(1, 0),


Write struct bindings for Vulkan API version (1.0, 1.1, etc.) to the file write with the specified extensions and config


let out = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let mut file = File::create(&Path::new(&out).join("")).unwrap();
    &mut file,
    VkVersion(1, 0),