[][src]Macro vk_shader_macros::include_glsl

macro_rules! include_glsl {
    #[proc_macro_hack] => { ... };

Compile a GLSL source file into a binary SPIR-V constant

use vk_shader_macros::include_glsl;
const VERT: &[u32] = include_glsl!("example.vert");

Due to limitations of proc macros, paths are resolved relative to the crate root.


Compile options may be specified as additional arguments. Supported options include:

  • kind: <kind> - Specify shader kind. Valid kinds are the same as the recognized file extensions: vert, frag, comp, geom, tesc, tese, spvasm, rgen, rahit, rchit, rmiss, rint, rcall, task, and mesh. If omitted, kind is inferred from the file's extension, or a pragma in the source.
  • version: <version> - Specify GLSL version. If omitted, version must be specified in the source with #version
  • strip - Omit debug info (set as default by enabling the strip feature)
  • debug - Force debug info, even with the strip feature enabled
  • define: <name> ["value"] - Define the preprocessor macro <name> as value
  • optimize: <level> - Specify optimization level. Supported values are: zero, size, and performance. If omitted, will default to performance.
  • target: <target> - Specify target environment. Supported values: vulkan1_0, vulkan1_1, vulkan1_2. Defaults to vulkan1_0.