Module viz::types

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Built-in Extractors types and traits.


Representation of an HTTP cookie.
A collection of cookies that tracks its modifications.
Extracts the cookies from the request.
Event Message
Extracts from-data from the body of a request.
Extracts a header from the headers of a request.
Extracts JSON data from the body of a request, or responds a JSON data to response.
Extracts the limits settings.
Various limits on incoming data
Extracts params from the path of a URL.
Extracts the data from the query string of a URL.
Gets real ip remote addr from request headers.
Current route information.
A session for the current request.
Server-Sent Event
Extracts state from the extensions of a request.
Then WebSocket provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection.
The configuration for WebSocket connection.


Rejects a error thats reading or parsing the cookies.
Rejects with an error when header extraction fails.
An enum representing the various forms of a WebSocket message.
Form-data Error
Rejects a parsing error.
Rejects with an error when the body of request extraction fails.
The SameSite cookie attribute.
Rejects with an error when WebSocket extraction fails.


An interface for processing the payload data of the HTTP request.

Type Definitions

CookieKeycookie-signed or cookie-private
A cryptographic master key for use with Signed and/or Private jars.
Extracts the data from the multipart body of a request.
A wrapper around an underlying raw stream which implements the WebSocket protocol.