Module vitess_grpc::topodata

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  • CellInfo contains information about a cell. CellInfo objects are stored in the global topology server, and describe how to reach local topology servers.
  • CellsAlias
  • ExternalClusters
  • KeyRange describes a range of sharding keys, when range-based sharding is used.
  • A Keyspace contains data about a keyspace.
  • A Shard contains data about a subset of the data whithin a keyspace.
  • ShardReference is used as a pointer from a SrvKeyspace to a Shard
  • ShardReplication describes the MySQL replication relationships whithin a cell.
  • ShardReplicationError describes the error being fixed by ShardReplicationFix.
  • ShardTabletControl is used as a pointer from a SrvKeyspace to a Shard
  • SrvKeyspace is a rollup node for the keyspace itself.
  • Tablet represents information about a running instance of vttablet.
  • TabletAlias is a globally unique tablet identifier.
  • ThrottledAppRule defines an app-specific throttling rule, with expiration.


  • KeyspaceType describes the type of the keyspace
  • TabletType represents the type of a given tablet.