vim-profiler 0.0.1

A vim profiling tool
vim-profiler-0.0.1 is not a library.

vim-profiler 🕒

vim-profiler is a wrapper around the (n)vim --startuptime command, written in Rust. The binary is called vp and has only been tested on a Unix based system.


You can install vim-profiler with the rust package manager Cargo:

$ cargo install vim-profiler


vim-profiler 0.0.1
A vim profiling tool.

    vp [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -e, --export     Export the results to a CSV file
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -p, --plot       Plot the data in the terminal
    -r, --reverse    Display the plugin times in reverse order (fastest first)
    -s, --sys        Show system plugins in the output
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Add informative messages during program execution

    -c, --command <command>        The command to run, e.g vim or neovim [default: vim]
    -n, --count <count>            The number of plugins to list in the output
    -i, --iter <iter>              The number of iterations
    -x, --precision <precision>    Precision in the output

Prior Art

The API is heavily inspired by the Python script that goes by the same name vim-profiler.

A few other notable vim profiling tools include: