Module vfxpreopenexr::doc::reading_and_writing_image_files[][src]

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Reading and Writing OpenEXR Image Files.

Document Purpose and Audience

This document shows how to write Rust code that reads and writes OpenEXR 3.0 image files.

The text assumes that the reader is familiar with OpenEXR terms like “channel”, “attribute”, “data window” or “deep data”. For an explanation of those terms see the Technical Introduction to OpenEXR document.

Most of the code examples below are standalone examples in the examples directory and can be run as usual.

A description of the file structure and format is provided in OpenEXR File Layout.

Scan Line Based and Tiled OpenEXR files

In an OpenEXR file, pixel data can be stored either as scan lines or as tiles. Files that store pixels as tiles can also store multi-resolution images. For each of the two storage formats (scan line or tile-based), the IlmImf library supports two reading and writing interfaces:

  1. The first, fully general, interface allows access to arbitrary channels, and supports many different in-memory pixel data layouts.
  2. The second interface is easier to use, but limits access to f16 RGBA channels, and provides fewer options for laying out pixels in memory.

The interfaces for reading and writing OpenEXR files are implemented in the following eight structs:

TilesScan linesScan lines and tiles
Arbitrary channelsTiledInputFileInputFile
RGBA onlyTiledRgbaInputFileRgbaInputFile

The classes for reading scan line based images (InputFile and RgbaInputFile) can also be used to read tiled image files. This way, programs that do not need support for tiled or multi-resolution images can always use the rather straightforward scan line interfaces, without worrying about complications related to tiling and multiple resolutions. When a multi-resolution file is read via a scan line interface, only the highest-resolution version of the image is accessible.

Multi-Part and Deep Data

The procedure for writing multi-part and deep data files is similar to writing scan line and tile. Though there is no simplified interface, such as the RGBA-only interface.

This table describes the significant differences between writing single-part scan line and tile files and writing multi-part and deep data files.

Feature scan line and tile Multi-part and deep data
Channel names may be reserved Some channel names are reserved in practice, but were never formally defined.

Channel name “sample count” is reserved for a pixel sample count slice in frame buffer.

Note: The name “sample count” (all lowercase) is subject to change.

Multiple parts Single-part format is intended for storing a single multichannel image

Multi-part files support multiple independent parts. This allows storing multiple views in the same file for stereo images, storing multiple resolutions in different parts. It is possible to include one or more scan line, tile, deep scan line or deep tile format images within a multi-part file.

Custom data formats can also be used to store additional parts, but this is outside the scope of this document.

Backwards-compatible low-level io available The new formats share the same abstract low-level IO as OpenEXR 1.7. It is therefore possible to use the same libraries to implement low level IO to read both formats.

Using the RGBA-only Interface for Scan Line Based Files

Writing an RGBA Image File

Writing a simple RGBA image file is fairly straightforward:

use openexr::prelude::*;

fn write_rgba1(filename: &str, pixels: &[Rgba], width: i32, height: i32) 
-> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let header = Header::from_dimensions(width, height);
    let mut file = RgbaOutputFile::new(

    file.set_frame_buffer(&pixels, 1, width as usize)?;


Construction of an RgbaOutputFile object, in line 1, creates an OpenEXR header, sets the header's attributes, opens the file with the specified name, and stores the header in the file. The header's display window and data window are both set to (0, 0) - (width-1, height-1). The channel list contains four channels, R, G, B, and A, of type HALF (f16).

Line 2 specifies how the pixel data are laid out in memory. In our example, pixels is a slice of Rgba of length width * height.

The elements of our slice are arranged so that the pixels of each scan line are contiguous in memory. The  set_frame_buffer() method takes three arguments, pixels, x_stride, and y_stride. To find the address of pixel (x, y), the RgbaOutputFile object computes

pixels[x * x_stride + y * y_sride]

In this case, x_stride and y_stride are set to 1 and width, respectively, indicating that pixel (x, y) can be found at index

pixels[1 * x + width * y]

The call to write_pixels() in line 3, copies the image's pixels from memory to the file. The argument to write_pixels(), height, specifies how many scan lines worth of data are copied.

Finally, returning from function write_rgba1() drops the local RgbaOutputFile object, thereby closing the file.

Why do we have to tell the write_pixels() function how many scan lines we want to write? Shouldn't the RgbaOutputFile object be able to derive the number of scan lines from the data window? OpenEXR doesn't require writing all scan lines with a single write_pixels() call. Many programs want to write scan lines individually, or in small blocks. For example, rendering computer-generated images can take a significant amount of time, and many rendering programs want to store each scan line in the image file as soon as all of the pixels for that scan line are available. This way, users can look at a partial image before rendering is finished. The OpenEXR crate allows writing the scan lines in top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top direction. The direction is defined by the file header's line order attribute (LineOrder::IncreasingY or LineOrder::DecreasingY). By default, scan lines are written top to bottom (LineOrder::IncreasingY).

Writing a Cropped RGBA Image

Now we are going to store a cropped image in a file. For this example, we assume that we have a frame buffer that is large enough to hold an image with width by height pixels, but only part of the frame buffer contains valid data. In the file's header, the size of the whole image is indicated by the display window, (0, 0) - (width-1, height-1), and the data window specifies the region for which valid pixel data exist. Only the pixels in the data window are stored in the file.

use openexr::prelude::*;

fn write_rgba2(
    filename: &str, 
    pixels: &[Rgba], 
    data_window: &[i32; 4],
    display_window: &[i32; 4],
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut header = Header::from_windows(

    let mut file = RgbaOutputFile::new(

    file.set_frame_buffer(&pixels, 1, (data_window.width() + 1) as usize)?;
    file.write_pixels(data_window.height() + 1)?;


The code above is similar to that in Writing an RGBA Image File, where the whole image was stored in the file. Two things are different, however: When the RgbaOutputFile object is created, the data window and the display window are explicitly specified rather than being derived from the image’s width and height. The number of scan lines stored in the file by write_pixels() is equal to the height of the data window instead of the height of the whole image. Since we are using the default LineOrder::IncreasingY direction for storing the scan lines in the file, write_pixels() starts at the top of the data window, at y coordinate data_window.min.y, and proceeds toward the bottom, at y coordinate data_window.max.y.

Even though we are storing only part of the image in the file, the frame buffer is still large enough to hold the whole image. In order to save memory, a smaller frame buffer could have been allocated, just big enough to hold the contents of the data window. Assuming that the pixels were still stored in contiguous scan lines, with the pixels pointer pointing to the pixel at the upper left corner of the data window, at coordinates (dataWindow.min.x, dataWindow.min.y), the arguments to the setFrameBuffer() call would have to be to be changed as follows:

int dwWidth = dataWindow.max.x - dataWindow.min.x + 1;


(pixels - dataWindow.min.x - dataWindow.min.y * dwWidth, 1, dwWidth);

With these settings, evaluation of

base + x * xStride + y * yStride

for pixel (dataWindow.min.x, dataWindow.min.y) produces

pixels - dataWindow.min.x - dataWindow.min.y * dwWidth

+ dataWindow.min.x * 1

+ dataWindow.min.y * dwWidth

= pixels -

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * (dataWindow.max.x - dataWindow.min.x + 1)

+ dataWindow.min.x

+ dataWindow.min.y * (dataWindow.max.x - dataWindow.min.x + 1)

= pixels,

which is exactly what we want. Similarly, calculating the addresses for pixels (dataWindow.min.x+1, dataWindow.min.y) and (dataWindow.min.x, dataWindow.min.y+1) yields pixels+1 and pixels+dwWidth, respectively.

Storing Custom Attributes

We will now to store an image in a file, and we will add two extra attributes to the image file header: a string, called "comments", and a 4×4 matrix, called "cameraTransform".

use openexr::prelude::*;
use openexr::core::attribute::{CppStringAttribute, M44fAttribute};

fn write_rgba3(
    pixels: &[Rgba], 
    width: i32, 
    height: i32, 
    comments: &str, 
    xform: &[f32; 16]
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut header = Header::from_dimensions(width, height);
    header.insert("comments", &CppStringAttribute::from_value(comments))?;
    header.insert("cameraTransform", &M44fAttribute::from_value(xform))?;

    let mut file = RgbaOutputFile::new(

    file.set_frame_buffer(&pixels, 1, width as usize)?;


In order to make it easier to exchange data between programs written by different people, the IlmImf library defines a set of standard attributes for commonly used data, such as colorimetric information, time and place where an image was recorded, or the owner of an image file's content. For the current list of standard attributes, see the standard_attributes module. The list is expected to grow over time as OpenEXR users identify new types of data they would like to represent in a standard format. If you need to store some piece of information in an OpenEXR file header, it is probably a good idea to check if a suitable standard attribute exists, before you define a new attribute.

Reading an RGBA Image File

Reading an RGBA image is almost as easy as writing one:

use openexr::prelude::*;

fn read_rgba1(path: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    use imath_traits::Zero;

    let mut file = RgbaInputFile::new(path, 1).unwrap();
    let data_window = file.header().data_window::<[i32; 4]>().clone();
    let width = data_window[2] - data_window[0] + 1;
    let height = data_window[3] - data_window[1] + 1;

    let mut pixels = vec![Rgba::zero(); (width * height) as usize];
    file.set_frame_buffer(&mut pixels, 1, width as usize)?;
    file.read_pixels(0, height - 1)?;


Constructing an RgbaInputFile object, passing the name of the file to the constructor, opens the file and reads the file's header.

After asking the RgbaInputFile object for the file's data window, we allocate a buffer for the pixels. The number of scan lines in the buffer is equal to the height of the data window, and the number of pixels per scan line is equal to the width of the data window. The pixels are represented as Rgba structs.

Note that we ignore the display window in this example; in a program that wanted to place the pixels in the data window correctly in an overall image, the display window would have to be taken into account.

Just as for writing a file, calling RgbaInputFile tells the RgbaInputFile object how to access individual pixels in the buffer. (See also Writing a Cropped RGBA Image.

Calling read_pixels() copies the pixel data from the file into the buffer. If one or more of the R, G, B, and A channels are missing in the file, the corresponding field in the pixels is filled with an appropriate default value. The default value for R, G and B is 0.0, or black; the default value for A is 1.0, or opaque.

Finally, returning from function read_rgba1() drops the local RgbaInputFile object, thereby closing the file.

Unlike the RgbaOutputFile’s write_pixels() method, read_pixels() has two arguments. Calling read_pixels(y1, y2) copies the pixels for all scan lines with y coordinates from y1 to y2 into the frame buffer. This allows access to the the scan lines in any order. The image can be read all at once, one scan line at a time, or in small blocks of a few scan lines. It is also possible to skip parts of the image.

Note that even though random access is possible, reading the scan lines in the same order as they were written, is more efficient. Random access to the file requires seek operations, which tend to be slow. Calling the RgbaInputFile’s line_order method returns the order in which the scan lines in the file were written (LineOrder::IncreasingY or LineOrder::DecreasingY). If successive calls to read_pixels() access the scan lines in the right order, the OpenEXR reads the file as fast as possible, without seek operations.

Reading Custom Attributes

In Storing Custom Attributes, we showed how to store custom attributes in the image file header. Here we show how to test whether a given file's header contains particular attributes, and how to read those attributes' values.

use openexr::prelude::*;

fn read_header(filename: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let file = RgbaInputFile::new(filename, 1)?;

    if let Some(attr) = file.header().find_typed_attribute_string("comments") {
        println!("comments: {}", attr.value())

    if let Some(attr) = file.header().find_typed_attribute_m44f("cameraTransform") {
        println!("cameraTransform: {:?}", attr.value::<[f32; 16]>())


As usual, we open the file by constructing an RgbaInputFile object. Calling find_typed_attribute_X(n) searches the header for an attribute with type X and name n. If a matching attribute is found, find_typed_attribute_X(n) returns Some containing a reference to the attribute. If the header contains no attribute with name n, or if the header contains an attribute with name n, but the attribute's type is not X, find_typed_attribute_X(n) returns None. Once we have references to the attributes we were looking for, we can access their values by calling the attributes' value() methods.

Luminance/Chroma and Gray-Scale Images

Writing an RGBA image file usually preserves the pixels without losing any data; saving an image file and reading it back does not alter the pixels' R, G, B and A values. Most of the time, lossless data storage is exactly what we want, but sometimes file space or transmission bandwidth are limited, and we would like to reduce the size of our image files. It is often acceptable if the numbers in the pixels change slightly as long as the image still looks just like the original.

The RGBA interface supports storing RGB data in luminance/chroma format. The R, G, and B channels are converted into a luminance channel, Y, and two chroma channels, RY and BY. The Y channel represents a pixel's brightness, and the two chroma channels represent its color. The human visual system's spatial resolution for color is much lower than the spatial resolution for brightness. This allows us to reduce the horizontal and vertical resolution of the RY and BY channels by a factor of two. The visual appearance of the image doesn't change, but the image occupies only half as much space, even before data compression is applied. (For every four pixels, we store four Y values, one RY value, and one BY value, instead of four R, four G, and four B values.)

When opening a file for writing, a program can select how it wants the pixels to be stored. The constructors for RgbaOutputFile have an rgba_channels argument, which determines the set of channels in the file:

ValueChannels written
RgbaChannels::WriteRgbared, green, blue, alpha
RgbaChannels::WriteYcluminance, chroma
RgbaChannels::WriteYcaluminance, chroma, alpha
RgbaChannels::WriteYluminance only
RgbaChannels::WriteYaluminance, alpha

RgbaChannels::WriteY and RgbaChannels::WriteYa provide an efficient way to store gray-scale images. The chroma channels for a gray-scale image contain only zeroes, so they can be omitted from the file.

When an image file is opened for reading, class RgbaInputFile automatically detects luminance/chroma images and converts the pixels back to RGB format.

Using the General Interface for Scan Line Based Files

Writing an Image File

This example demonstrates how to write an OpenEXR image file with two channels: one channel, of type PixelType::Half, is called G, and the other, of type PixelType::Float, is called Z. The size of the image is width by height pixels. The data for the two channels are supplied in two separate buffers, g and z. Within each buffer, the pixels of each scan line are contiguous in memory.

use openexr::prelude::*;
use half::f16;

fn write_gz1(
    filename: &str,
    g: &[f16],
    z: &[f32],
    width: i32,
    height: i32,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    let mut header = Header::from_dimensions(width, height);
    header.channels_mut().insert("G", &CHANNEL_HALF);
    header.channels_mut().insert("Z", &CHANNEL_FLOAT);

    let mut frame_buffer = FrameBuffer::new();

            g.as_ptr() as *const u8,
            width as i64,
            height as i64,

            z.as_ptr() as *const u8,
            width as i64,
            height as i64,

    let mut file = OutputFile::new("write_gz1.exr", &header, 1).unwrap();
    unsafe { file.write_pixels(height).unwrap() };


First, an OpenEXR header is created, and the header's display window and data window are both set to (0, 0) - (width-1, height-1) by the with_dimensions constructor.

Next the names and types of the channels that are to be stored are specified on the header.

Then a FrameBuffer is constructed and two Slices are added to it. Slice describes the memory layout of a single channel. The constructor takes as arguments the PixelType of the Slice, a pointer to the start of the Slice’s data window, and the width and height of the Slice. No further arguments are required in this example so the Slice is built immediately.

Note that unlike the C++ API, the strides of the pixels are automatically computed from the pixel type. You only need to specify the x_stride and/or y_stride if your pixels are not densely packed elements of the specified type (e.g. you are passing an RGBA slice and ony want to write out the R channel).

Next, constructing an OutputFile object opens the file with the specified name, and stores the header in the file.

The write_pixels() call copies the image’s pixels from memory into the file. As in the RGBA-only interface, the argument to write_pixels() specifies how many scan lines are copied into the file. (See Writing an RGBA Image File)

If the image file contains a channel for which the FrameBuffer object has no corresponding Slice, then the pixels for that channel in the file are filled with zeroes. If the FrameBuffer object contains a Slice for which the file has no channel, then the Slice is ignored.

Returning from function write_gz1() destroys the local OutputFile object and closes the file.

Writing a Cropped Image

Writing a cropped image using the general interface is analogous to writing a cropped image using the RGBA-only interface, as shown in Writing a Cropped RGBA Image. In the file’s header the data window is set explicitly instead of being generated automatically from the image’s width and height. The number of scan lines that are stored in the file is equal to the height of the data window, instead of the height of the entire image. As in Writing a Cropped RGBA Image, the example code below assumes that the memory buffers for the pixels are large enough to hold width by height pixels, but only the region that corresponds to the data window will be stored in the file. For smaller memory buffers with room only for the pixels in the data window, the base, x_stride() and y_stride() arguments for the FrameBuffer object’s Slices would have to be adjusted accordingly. (Again, see Writing a Cropped RGBA Image.

use openexr::prelude::*;
use half::f16;

fn write_gz2(
    filename: &str,
    g: &[f16],
    z: &[f32],
    width: i32,
    height: i32,
    data_window: &[i32; 4],
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    let mut header = Header::from_dimensions(width, height);
    header.channels_mut().insert("G", &CHANNEL_HALF);
    header.channels_mut().insert("Z", &CHANNEL_FLOAT);
    *header.data_window_mut() = *data_window;

    let mut frame_buffer = FrameBuffer::new();

            g.as_ptr() as *const u8,
            width as i64,
            height as i64,

            z.as_ptr() as *const u8,
            width as i64,
            height as i64,

    let mut file = OutputFile::new("write_gz1.exr", &header, 1).unwrap();
    unsafe { file.write_pixels(data_window[3] - data_window[1] + 1).unwrap() };


Reading an Image File

In this example, we read an OpenEXR image file using the InputFile general interface. We assume that the file contains two channels, R, and G, of type PixelType::Half, and one channel, Z, of type PixelType::Float. If one of those channels is not present in the image file, the corresponding memory buffer for the pixels will be filled with an appropriate default value.


readGZ1 (const char fileName[],

Array2D<half> &rPixels,

Array2D<half> &gPixels,

Array2D<float> &zPixels,

int &width, int &height)


InputFile file (fileName);

Box2i dw = file.header().dataWindow();

width = dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1;

height = dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1;

rPixels.resizeErase (height, width);

gPixels.resizeErase (height, width);

zPixels.resizeErase (height, width);

FrameBuffer frameBuffer;

frameBuffer.insert ("R", // name

Slice (HALF, // type

(char *) (&rPixels[0][0] - // base

dw.min.x -

dw.min.y * width),

sizeof (rPixels[0][0]) * 1, // xStride

sizeof (rPixels[0][0]) * width,// yStride

1, 1, // x/y sampling

0.0)); // fillValue

frameBuffer.insert ("G", // name

Slice (HALF, // type

(char *) (&gPixels[0][0] - // base

dw.min.x -

dw.min.y * width),

sizeof (gPixels[0][0]) * 1, // xStride

sizeof (gPixels[0][0]) * width,// yStride

1, 1, // x/y sampling

0.0)); // fillValue

frameBuffer.insert ("Z", // name

Slice (FLOAT, // type

(char *) (&zPixels[0][0] - // base

dw.min.x -

dw.min.y * width),

sizeof (zPixels[0][0]) * 1, // xStride

sizeof (zPixels[0][0]) * width,// yStride

1, 1, // x/y sampling

FLT_MAX)); // fillValue

file.setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);

file.readPixels (dw.min.y, dw.max.y);


First, we open the file with the specified name, by constructing an InputFile object.

Using the Array2D class template, we allocate memory buffers for the image's R, G and Z channels. The buffers are big enough to hold all pixels in the file's data window.

Next, we create a FrameBuffer object, which describes our buffers to the IlmImf library. For each image channel, we add a slice to the FrameBuffer.

As usual, the slice's type, xStride, and yStride describe the corresponding buffer's layout. For the R channel, pixel (dw.min.x, dw.min.y) is at address &rPixels[0][0]. By setting the type, xStride and yStride of the corresponding Slice object as shown above, evaluating

base + x * xStride + y * yStride

for pixel (dw.min.x, dw.min.y) produces

(char*)(&rPixels[0][0] - dw.min.x - dw.min.y * width)

+ dw.min.x * sizeof (rPixels[0][0]) * 1

+ dw.min.y * sizeof (rPixels[0][0]) * width

= (char*)&rPixels[0][0]

- dw.min.x * sizeof (rPixels[0][0])

- dw.min.y * sizeof (rPixels[0][0]) * width

+ dw.min.x * sizeof (rPixels[0][0])

+ dw.min.y * sizeof (rPixels[0][0]) * width

= &rPixels[0][0].

The address calculations for pixels (dw.min.x+1, dw.min.y) and (dw.min.x, dw.min.y+1) produce &rPixels[0][0]+1 and &rPixels[0][0]+width, which is equivalent to &rPixels[0][1] and &rPixels[1][0].

Each Slice has a fillValue. If the image file does not contain an image channel for the Slice, then the corresponding memory buffer will be filled with the fillValue.

The Slice's remaining two parameters, xSampling and ySampling are used for images where some of the channels are subsampled, for instance, the RY and BY channels in luminance/chroma images. (See Luminance/Chroma and Gray-Scale Images, on page 9.) Unless an image contains subsampled channels, xSampling and ySampling should always be set to 1. For details see header files ImfFrameBuffer.h and ImfChannelList.h.

After describing our memory buffers' layout, we call readPixels() to copy the pixel data from the file into the buffers. Just as with the RGBA-only interface, readPixels() allows random-access to the scan lines in the file. (See Reading an RGBA Image File in Chunks, on page 8.)

Interleaving Image Channels in the Frame Buffer

Here is a variation of the previous example. We are reading an image file, but instead of storing each image channel in a separate memory buffer, we interleave the channels in a single buffer. The buffer is an array of structs, which are defined like this:

typedef struct GZ


half g;

float z;


The code to read the file is almost the same as before; aside from reading only two instead of three channels, the only difference is how base, xStride and yStride for the Slices in the FrameBuffer object are computed:


readGZ2 (const char fileName[],

Array2D<GZ> &pixels,

int &width, int &height)


InputFile file (fileName);

Box2i dw = file.header().dataWindow();

width = dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1;

height = dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1;

int dx = dw.min.x;

int dy = dw.min.y;

pixels.resizeErase (height, width);

FrameBuffer frameBuffer;

frameBuffer.insert ("G",

Slice (HALF,

(char *) &pixels[-dy][-dx].g,

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * 1,

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * width));

frameBuffer.insert ("Z",

Slice (FLOAT,

(char *) &pixels[-dy][-dx].z,

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * 1,

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * width));

file.setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);

file.readPixels (dw.min.y, dw.max.y);


Which Channels are in a File?

In functions read_gz1() and read_gz2(), above, we simply assumed that the files we were trying to read contained a certain set of channels. We relied on the IlmImf library to do "something reasonable" in case our assumption was not true. Sometimes we want to know exactly what channels are in an image file before reading any pixels, so that we can do what we think is appropriate.

The file's header contains the file's channel list. Using iterators similar to those in the C++ Standard Template Library, we can iterate over the channels:

use std::path::PathBuf;
use openexr::prelude::*;

// Open the `InputFile` and read the header
let file = InputFile::new("image.exr", 4).unwrap();

for (name, channel) in file.header().channels().iter() {
    println!("{}", name);

Channels can also be accessed by name with the ChannelList::get() method, which returns an Option indiciating if the channel is present in the header or not.

use std::path::PathBuf;
use openexr::prelude::*;

// Open the `InputFile` and read the header
let file = InputFile::new("image.exr", 4).unwrap();

if let Some(channel) = file.header().channels().get("R") {
    println!("R channel type is {:?}", channel.type_);


In an image file with many channels it is sometimes useful to group the channels into layers, that is, into sets of channels that logically belong together. Grouping channels into layers is done using a naming convention: channel C in layer L is called L.C.

For example, a computer-generated picture of a 3D scene may contain a separate set of R, G and B channels for the light that originated at each one of the light sources in the scene. Every set of R, G, and B channels is in its own layer. If the layers are called light1, light2, light3, etc., then the full names of the channels in this image are light1.R, light1.G, light1.B, light2.R, light2.G, light2.B, light3.R, and so on.

Layers can be nested; for instance, light1.specular.R refers to the R channel in the specular sub-layer of layer light1.

Channel names that do not contain a ., or that contain a . only at the beginning or at the end are not considered to be part of any layer.

Class ChannelList has two member functions that support per-layer access to channels: layers() returns the names of all layers in a ChannelList, and channels_in_layer() returns an iterator over the channels in the corresponding layer.

The following code shows how to iterate over all the channels in a particular layer:

use openexr::prelude::*;

let mut list = ChannelList::new();
let channel = Channel {
    type_: PixelType::Half.into(),
    x_sampling: 1,
    y_sampling: 1,
    p_linear: true,

list.insert("diffuse.R", &channel);
list.insert("diffuse.G", &channel);
list.insert("diffuse.B", &channel);

list.insert("specular.R", &channel);
list.insert("specular.G", &channel);
list.insert("specular.B", &channel);

        .map(|(name, _)| name )
    ["diffuse.B", "diffuse.G", "diffuse.R"]

Tiles, Levels and Level Modes

A single tiled OpenEXR file can hold multiple versions of an image, each with a different resolution. Each version is called a level. A tiled file's level mode defines how many levels are stored in the file. There are three different level modes:

LevelMode::OneLevelThe file contains a single level.
LevelMode::MipmapLevelsThe file contains multiple levels. The first level holds the image at full resolution. Each successive level is half the resolution of the previous level in x and y direction. The last level contains only a single pixel. MipmapLevels files are used for texture-mapping and similar applications.
LevelMode::RipmapLevelsLike MipmapLevels, but with more levels. The levels include all combinations of reducing the resolution of the image by powers of two independently in x and y direction. Used for texture mapping, like MipmapLevels. The additional levels in a RipmapLevels file can help to accelerate anisotropic filtering during texture lookups.

In MipmapLevels and RipmapLevels mode, the size (width or height) of each level is computed by halving the size of the level with the next higher resolution. If the size of the higher-resolution level is odd, then the size of the lower-resolution level must be rounded up or down in order to avoid arriving at a non-integer width or height. The rounding direction is determined by the file's level size rounding mode.

Within each level, the pixels of the image are stored in a two-dimensional array of tiles. The tiles in an OpenEXR file can be any rectangular shape, but all tiles in a file have the same size. This means that lower-resolution levels contain fewer, rather than smaller, tiles.

An OpenEXR file's level mode and rounding mode, and the size of the tiles are stored in an attribute in the file header. The value of this attribute is a TileDescription object:

pub struct TileDescription {
    pub x_size: u32,
    pub y_size: u32,
    pub mode: LevelMode,
    pub rounding_mode: LevelRoundingMode,

pub enum LevelMode {
    OneLevel = 0,
    MipmapLevels = 1,
    RipmapLevels = 2,
    NumLevelmodes = 3,

pub enum LevelRoundingMode {
    RoundDown = 0,
    RoundUp = 1,
    NumRoundingmodes = 2,

Using the RGBA-only Interface for Tiled Files

Writing a Tiled RGBA Image File with One Resolution Level

Writing a tiled RGBA image with a single level is easy:

use openexr::prelude::*;

fn write_tiled_rgba1(
    filename: &str,
    pixels: &[Rgba],
    width: i32,
    height: i32,
    tile_width: i32,
    tile_height: i32,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let header = Header::from_dimensions(width, height);

    let mut file = TiledRgbaOutputFile::new(

    file.set_frame_buffer(&pixels, 1, width as usize)?;
        file.num_x_tiles(0)? - 1,
        file.num_y_tiles(0)? - 1,

Opening the file and defining the pixel data layout in memory are done in almost the same way as for scan line based files:

Construction of the TiledRgbaOutputFile object, with TiledRgbaOutputFile::new() creates an OpenEXR header, sets the header’s attributes, opens the file with the specified name, and stores the header in the file. The header’s display window and data window are both set to (0, 0) - (width-1, height-1). The size of each tile in the file will be tile_width by tile_height pixels. The channel list contains four channels, R, G, B, and A, of type PixelType::Half.

set_frame_buffer() sets the pixels slice as the source for the image data, specifying the x_stride as 1 and y_stride as the width of the image, since the slice is denssely packed.

write_tiles() copies the pixels into the file. The first four arguments specify the x and y ranges of tiles to write, and we can use TiledRgbaOutputFile’s num_x_tiles() and num_y_tiles() to specify the full set of tiles in the image.

Reading a Tiled RGBA Image File

Reading a tiled RGBA image file is done similarly to writing one:

use imath_traits::Zero;
use openexr::prelude::*;

fn read_tiled_rgba1(
    filename: &str,
) -> Result<Vec<Rgba>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut file = TiledRgbaInputFile::new(filename, 1)?;
    let data_window = file.header().data_window::<[i32; 4]>().clone();
    let width = data_window[2] - data_window[0] + 1;
    let height = data_window[3] - data_window[1] + 1;

    let mut pixels = vec![Rgba::zero(); (width * height) as usize];
    file.set_frame_buffer(&mut pixels, 1, width as usize)?;

        file.num_x_tiles(0)? - 1,
        file.num_y_tiles(0)? - 1,


First we need to create a TiledRgbaInputFile object for the given file name. We then retrieve information about the data window in order to create an appropriately sized frame buffer, in this case large enough to hold the whole image at level (0,0). After we set the frame buffer, we read the tiles from the file.

This example only reads the highest-resolution level of the image. It can be extended to read all levels, for multi-resolution images, by also iterating over all levels within the image, analogous to the examples in Writing a Tiled RGBA Image File with Mipmap Levels and Writing a Tiled RGBA Image File with Ripmap Levels.

Using the General Interface for Tiled Files

Writing a Tiled Image File

This example is a variation of the one in Writing an Image File, on page 10. We are writing a ONE_LEVEL image file with two channels, G, and Z, of type HALF, and FLOAT respectively, but here the file is tiled instead of scan line based:


writeTiled1 (const char fileName[],

Array2D<GZ> &pixels,

int width, int height,

int tileWidth, int tileHeight)


Header header (width, height); // 1

header.channels().insert ("G", Channel (HALF)); // 2

header.channels().insert ("Z", Channel (FLOAT)); // 3


(TileDescription (tileWidth, tileHeight, ONE_LEVEL)); // 4

TiledOutputFile out (fileName, header); // 5

FrameBuffer frameBuffer; // 6

frameBuffer.insert ("G", // name // 7

Slice (HALF, // type // 8

(char *) &pixels[0][0].g, // base // 9

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * 1, // xStride // 10

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * width)); // yStride // 11

frameBuffer.insert ("Z", // name // 12

Slice (FLOAT, // type // 13

(char *) &pixels[0][0].z, // base // 14

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * 1, // xStride // 15

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * width)); // yStride // 16

out.setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer); // 17

out.writeTiles (0, out.numXTiles() - 1, 0, out.numYTiles() - 1); // 18


As one would expect, the code here is very similar to the code in Writing an Image File on page 10. The file's header is created in line 1, while lines 2 and 3 specify the names and types of the image channels that will be stored in the file. An important addition is line 4, where we define the size of the tiles and the level mode. In this example we use ONE_LEVEL for simplicity. Line 5 opens the file and writes the header. Lines 6 through 17 tell the TiledOutputFile object the location and layout of the pixel data for each channel. Finally, line 18 stores the tiles in the file.

Reading a Tiled Image File

Reading a tiled file with the general interface is virtually identical to reading a scan line based file, as shown in Interleaving Image Channels in the Frame Buffer, on page 14; only the last three lines are different. Instead of reading all scan lines at once with a single function call, here we must iterate over all tiles we want to read.


readTiled1 (const char fileName[],

Array2D<GZ> &pixels,

int &width, int &height)


TiledInputFile in (fileName);

Box2i dw = in.header().dataWindow();

width = dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1;

height = dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1;

int dx = dw.min.x;

int dy = dw.min.y;

pixels.resizeErase (height, width);

FrameBuffer frameBuffer;

frameBuffer.insert ("G",

Slice (HALF,

(char *) &pixels[-dy][-dx].g,

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * 1,

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * width));

frameBuffer.insert ("Z",

Slice (FLOAT,

(char *) &pixels[-dy][-dx].z,

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * 1,

sizeof (pixels[0][0]) * width));

in.setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);

in.readTiles (0, in.numXTiles() - 1, 0, in.numYTiles() - 1);


In this example we assume that the file we want to read contains two channels, G and Z, of type HALF and FLOAT respectively. If the file contains other channels, we ignore them. We only read the highest-resolution level of the image. If the input file contains more levels (MIPMAP_LEVELS or MIPMAP_LEVELS), we can access the extra levels by calling a four-argument version of the readTile() function:

in.readTile (tileX, tileY, levelX, levelY);

or by calling a six-argument version of readTiles():

in.readTiles (tileXMin, tileXMax, tileYMin, tileYMax, levelX, levelY);

Deep Data Files (New in 2.0) {#deep-data-files-new-in-20}

Writing a Deep Scan Line File

This example creates an deep scan line file with two channels. It demonstrates how to write a deep scan line file with two channels:

  1. type FLOAT, is called Z, and is used for storing sample depth, and
  2. type HALF, is called A and is used for storing sample opacity.

The size of the image is width by height pixels.

void writeDeepScanlineFile(const char filename[],

Box2i displayWindow,

Box2i dataWindow,

Array2D< float* > &dataZ,

Array2D< half* > &dataA,

Array2D< unsigned int > sampleCount)


int height = dataWindow.max.y - dataWindow.min.y + 1;

int width = dataWindow.max.x - dataWindow.min.x + 1;

Header header(displayWindow, dataWindow);

header.channels().insert("Z", Channel(FLOAT));

header.channels().insert("A", Channel(HALF));


header.compression() = ZIP_COMPRESSION;

DeepScanLineOutputFile file(filename, header);

DeepFrameBuffer frameBuffer;

frameBuffer.insertSampleCountSlice (Slice (UINT,

(char *) (&sampleCount[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (unsigned int) * 1, // xStride

sizeof (unsigned int) * width)); // yStride

frameBuffer.insert ("Z",

DeepSlice (FLOAT,

(char *) (&dataZ[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (float *) * 1, // xStride for pointer array

sizeof (float *) * width, // yStride for pointer array

sizeof (float) * 1)); // stride for Z data sample

frameBuffer.insert ("A",

DeepSlice (HALF,

(char *) (&dataA[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (half *) * 1, // xStride for pointer array

sizeof (half *) * width, // yStride for pointer array

sizeof (half) * 1)); // stride for A data sample


file.readPixelSampleCounts (height);

for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)


for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)


sampleCount[i][j] = getPixelSampleCount(i,j);

dataZ[i][j] = new float[sampleCount[i][j]];

dataA[i][j] = new half[sampleCount[i][j]];

// Generate data for dataZ and dataA.




for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)


delete[] dataZ[i][j];

delete[] dataA[i][j];



The interface for deep scan line files is similar to scan line files. We added two new classes to deal with deep data: DeepFrameBuffer and DeepSlice. DeepFrameBuffer only accepts DeepSlice as its input, except that it accepts Slice for sample count slice. The first difference we see from the previous version is:


where we set the type of the header to a predefine string DEEPSCANLINE, then we insert a sample count slice using insertSampleCountSlice(). After that, we insert a DeepSlice with deep z data. Notice that deep slices have three strides, one more than non-deep slices. The first two strides are used for the pointers in the array. Because the memory space for Array2D is contiguous, we can get the strides easily. The third stride is used for pixel samples. Because the data type is float (and we are not interleaving), the stride should be sizeof(float). If we name the stride for deep data samples sampleStride, then the memory address of the i-th sample of this channel in pixel (x, y) is

base +

x * xStride +

y * yStride +

i * sampleStride

Because we may not know the data until we are going to write it, the deep data file must support postponed initialization, as shown in the example code. Another approach would be to prepare all the data first, and then write it all out at once.

Once the slices have been inserted, we get the sample count for each pixel, via a user-supplied getPixelSampleCount() function, and dynamically allocate memory for the Z and A channels. We then write to file in a line-by-line fashion and finally free the the intermediate data structures.

Reading a Deep Scan Line File

An example of reading a deep scan line file created by previous code.

void readDeepScanlineFile(const char filename[],

Box2i& displayWindow,

Box2i& dataWindow,

Array2D< float* >& dataZ,

Array2D< half* >& dataA,

Array2D< unsigned int >& sampleCount)


DeepScanLineInputFile file(filename);

const Header& header = file.header();

dataWindow = header.dataWindow();

displayWindow = header.displayWindow();

int width = dataWindow.max.x - dataWindow.min.x + 1;

int height = dataWindow.max.y - dataWindow.min.y + 1;

sampleCount.resizeErase(height, width);

dataZ.resizeErase(height, width);

dataA.resizeErase(height, width);

DeepFrameBuffer frameBuffer;

frameBuffer.insertSampleCountSlice (Slice (UINT,

(char *) (&sampleCount[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (unsigned int) * 1, // xStride

sizeof (unsigned int) * width)); // yStride

frameBuffer.insert ("dataZ",

DeepSlice (FLOAT,

(char *) (&dataZ[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (float *) * 1, // xStride for pointer array

sizeof (float *) * width, // yStride for pointer array

sizeof (float) * 1)); // stride for Z data sample

frameBuffer.insert ("dataA",

DeepSlice (HALF,

(char *) (&dataA[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (half *) * 1, // xStride for pointer array

sizeof (half *) * width, // yStride for pointer array

sizeof (half) * 1)); // stride for O data sample


file.readPixelSampleCounts(dataWindow.min.y, dataWindow.max.y);

for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)


dataZ[i][j] = new float[sampleCount[i][j]];

dataA[i][j] = new half[sampleCount[i][j]];


file.readPixels(dataWindow.min.y, dataWindow.max.y);

for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)


delete[] dataZ[i][j];

delete[] dataA[i][j];



The interface for deep scan line files is similar to scan line files. The main the difference is we use the sample count slice and deep data slices. To do this, we added a new method to read the sample count table from the file:

file.readPixelSampleCounts(dataWindow.min.y, dataWindow.max.y);

This method reads all pixel sample counts in the range [dataWindow.min.y, dataWindow.max.y], and stores the data to sample count slice in framebuffer.

ReadPixels() supports for postponed memory allocation.

Writing a Deep Tiled File

This example creates an deep tiled file with two channels. It demonstrates how to write a deep tiled file with two channels:

  1. type FLOAT, is called Z, and is used for storing sample depth, and
  2. type HALF, is called A and is used for storing sample opacity.

The size of the image is width by height pixels.

void writeDeepTiledFile(const char filename[],

Box2i displayWindow,

Box2i dataWindow,

int tileSizeX, int tileSizeY)


int height = dataWindow.max.y - dataWindow.min.y + 1;

int width = dataWindow.max.x - dataWindow.min.x + 1;

Header header(displayWindow, dataWindow);

header.channels().insert("Z", Channel(FLOAT));

header.channels().insert("A", Channel(HALF));



TileDescription(tileSizeX, tileSizeY, MIPMAP_LEVELS));

Array2D< unsigned int* > dataZ;

dataZ.resizeErase(height, width);

Array2D< unsigned int* > dataA;

dataA.resizeErase(height, width);

Array2D<unsigned int> sampleCount;

sampleCount.resizeErase(height, width);

DeepTiledOutputFile file(filename, header);

DeepFrameBuffer frameBuffer;

frameBuffer.insertSampleCountSlice (Slice (UINT,

(char *) (&sampleCount[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (unsigned int) * 1, // xStride

sizeof (unsigned int) * width)); // yStride

frameBuffer.insert ("Z",

DeepSlice (FLOAT,

(char *) (&dataZ[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (float *) * 1, // xStride for pointer array

sizeof (float *) * width, // yStride for pointer array

sizeof (float) * 1)); // stride for samples

frameBuffer.insert ("A",

DeepSlice (HALF,

(char *) (&dataA[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (half *) * 1, // xStride for pointer array

sizeof (half *) * width, // yStride for pointer array

sizeof (half) * 1)); // stride for samples


for (int l = 0; l < file.numLevels(); l++)


for (int j = 0; j < file.numYTiles(l); j++)


for (int i = 0; i < file.numXTiles(l); i++)


getSampleCountForTile(i, j, sampleCount);

getSampleDataForTile(i, j, dataZ, dataA);

file.writeTile(i, j, l);





Here, getSampleCountForTile is a user-supplied function that sets each item in sampleCount array to the correct sampleCount for each pixel in the tile, and getSampleDataForTile is a user-supplied function that set the pointers in dataZ and dataA arrays to point to the correct data

The interface for deep tiled files is similar to tiled files. The differences are:

  • we set the type of the header to DEEPTILE
  • we use insertSampleCountSlice() to set sample count slice, and
  • we use DeepSlice instead of Slice to provide three strides needed by the library.

Also, we support postponed initialization.

Reading a Deep Tiled File

An example of reading a deep tiled file created by code explained in the Writing a Deep Tiled File section, on page 26.

void readDeepTiledFile(const char filename[],

Box2i& displayWindow,

Box2i& dataWindow,

Array2D< float* >& dataZ,

Array2D< half* >& dataA,

Array2D< unsigned int >& sampleCount)


DeepTiledInputFile file(filename);

int width = dataWindow.max.x - dataWindow.min.x + 1;

int height = dataWindow.max.y - dataWindow.min.y + 1;

sampleCount.resizeErase(height, width);

dataZ.resizeErase(height, width);

dataA.resizeErase(height, width);

DeepFrameBuffer frameBuffer;

frameBuffer.insertSampleCountSlice (Slice (UINT,

(char *) (&sampleCount[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (unsigned int) * 1, // xStride

sizeof (unsigned int) * width)); // yStride

frameBuffer.insert ("Z",

DeepSlice (FLOAT,

(char *) (&dataZ[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (float *) * 1, // xStride for pointer array

sizeof (float *) * width, // yStride for pointer array

sizeof (float) * 1)); // stride for samples

frameBuffer.insert ("A",

DeepSlice (HALF,

(char *) (&dataA[0][0]

- dataWindow.min.x

- dataWindow.min.y * width),

sizeof (half *) * 1, // xStride for pointer array

sizeof (half *) * width, // yStride for pointer array

sizeof (half) * 1)); // stride for samples


int numXTiles = file.numXTiles(0);

int numYTiles = file.numYTiles(0);

file.readPixelSampleCounts(0, numXTiles - 1, 0, numYTiles - 1);

for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)


dataZ[i][j] = new float[sampleCount[i][j]];

dataA[i][j] = new half[sampleCount[i][j]];


file.readTiles(0, numXTiles - 1, 0, numYTiles – 1);

// (after read data is processed, data must be freed:)

for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)


delete[] dataZ[i][j];

delete[] dataA[i][j];



This code demonstrates how to read the first level of a deep tiled file created by code explained in the Writing a Deep Tiled File section, on page 26. The interface for deep tiled files is similar to tiled files. The differences are:

  • we use insertSampleCountSlice() to set sample count slice
  • we use DeepSlice instead of Slice to provide three strides needed by the library, and
  • we use readPixelSampleCounts() to read in pixel sample counts into array.

Also we support postponed memory allocation.

In this example, entries in dataZ and dataA have been allocated by the 'new' calls must be deleted after use.


Is this an OpenEXR File?

Sometimes we want to test quickly if a given file is an OpenEXR file. This can be done by looking at the beginning of the file: The first four bytes of every OpenEXR file contain the 32-bit integer "magic number" 20000630 in little-endian byte order. After reading a file's first four bytes via any of the operating system's standard file I/O mechanisms, we can compare them with the magic number by explicitly testing if the bytes contain the values 0x76, 0x2f, 0x31, and 0x01.

Given a file name, the following function returns true if the corresponding file exists, is readable, and contains an OpenEXR image:


isThisAnOpenExrFile (const char fileName[])


std::ifstream f (fileName, std::ios_base::binary);

char b[4]; (b, sizeof (b));

return !!f && b[0] == 0x76 && b[1] == 0x2f && b[2] == 0x31 && b[3] == 0x01;


Using this function does not require linking with the IlmImf library.

Programs that are linked with the IlmImf library can determine if a given file is an OpenEXR file by calling one of the following functions, which are part of the library:

bool isOpenExrFile (const char fileName[], bool &isTiled);

bool isOpenExrFile (const char fileName[]);

bool isTiledOpenExrFile (const char fileName[]);

bool isOpenExrFile (IStream &is, bool &isTiled);

bool isOpenExrFile (IStream &is);

bool isTiledOpenExrFile (IStream &is);

Is this File Complete?

Sometimes we want to test if an OpenEXR file is complete. The file may be missing pixels, either because writing the file is still in progress or because writing was aborted before the last scan line or tile was stored in the file. Of course, we could test if a given file is complete by attempting to read the entire file, but the input file classes in the IlmImf library have an isComplete() method that is faster and more convenient.

The following function returns true or false, depending on whether a given OpenEXR file is complete or not:


isComplete (const char fileName[])


InputFile in (fileName);

return in.isComplete();


Preview Images

Graphical user interfaces for selecting image files often represent files as small preview or thumbnail images. In order to make loading and displaying the preview images fast, OpenEXR files support storing preview images in the file headers.

A preview image is an attribute whose value is of type PreviewImage. A PreviewImage object is an array of pixels of type PreviewRgba. A pixel has four components, r, g, b and a, of type unsigned char, where r, g and b are the pixel's red, green and blue components, encoded with a gamma of 2.2. a is the pixel's alpha channel; r, g and b should be premultiplied by a. On a typical display with 8-bits per component, the preview image can be shown by simply loading the r, g and b components into the display's frame buffer. (No gamma correction or tone mapping is required.)

The code fragment below shows how to test if an OpenEXR file has a preview image, and how to access a preview image's pixels:

RgbaInputFile file (fileName);

if (file.header().hasPreviewImage())


const PreviewImage &preview = file.header().previewImage();

for (int y = 0; y < preview.height(); ++y)

for (int x = 0; x < preview.width(); ++x)


const PreviewRgba &pixel = preview.pixel (x, y);




Writing an OpenEXR file with a preview image is shown in the following example. Since the preview image is an attribute in the file's header, it is entirely separate from the main image. Here the preview image is a smaller version of the main image, but this is not required; in some cases storing an easily recognizable icon may be more appropriate. This example uses the RGBA-only interface to write a scan line based file, but preview images are also supported for files that are written using the general interface, and for tiled files.


writeRgbaWithPreview1 (const char fileName[],

const Array2D<Rgba> &pixels,

int width,

int height)


Array2D <PreviewRgba> previewPixels; // 1

int previewWidth; // 2

int previewHeight; // 3

makePreviewImage (pixels, width, height, // 4

previewPixels, previewWidth, previewHeight);

Header header (width, height); // 5

header.setPreviewImage // 6

(PreviewImage (previewWidth, previewHeight, &previewPixels[0][0]));

RgbaOutputFile file (fileName, header, WRITE_RGBA); // 7

file.setFrameBuffer (&pixels[0][0], 1, width); // 8

file.writePixels (height); // 9


Lines 1 through 4 generate the preview image. Line 5 creates a header for the image file. Line 6 converts the preview image into a PreviewImage attribute, and adds the attribute to the header. Lines 7 through 9 store the header (with the preview image) and the main image in a file.

Function makePreviewImage(), called in line 4, generates the preview image by scaling the main image down to one eighth of its original width and height:


makePreviewImage (const Array2D<Rgba> &pixels,

int width,

int height,

Array2D<PreviewRgba> &previewPixels,

int &previewWidth,

int &previewHeight)


const int N = 8;

previewWidth = width / N;

previewHeight = height / N;

previewPixels.resizeErase (previewHeight, previewWidth);

for (int y = 0; y < previewHeight; ++y)


for (int x = 0; x < previewWidth; ++x)


const Rgba &inPixel = pixels[y * N][x * N];

PreviewRgba &outPixel = previewPixels[y][x];

outPixel.r = gamma (inPixel.r);

outPixel.g = gamma (inPixel.g);

outPixel.b = gamma (inPixel.b);

outPixel.a = int (clamp (inPixel.a * 255.f, 0.f, 255.f) + 0.5f);




To make this example easier to read, scaling the image is done by just sampling every eighth pixel of every eighth scan line. This can lead to aliasing artifacts in the preview image; for a higher-quality preview image, the main image should be lowpass-filtered before it is subsampled.

Function makePreviewImage() calls gamma() to convert the floating-point red, green, and blue components of the sampled main image pixels to unsigned char values. gamma() is a simplified version of what the exrdisplay program does in order to show an OpenEXR image's floating-point pixels on the screen (for details, see exrdisplay's source code):

unsigned char

gamma (float x)


x = pow (5.5555f * max (0.f, x), 0.4545f) * 84.66f;

return (unsigned char) clamp (x, 0.f, 255.f);


makePreviewImage() converts the pixels' alpha component to unsigned char by by linearly mapping the range [0.0, 1.0] to [0, 255].

Some programs write image files one scan line or tile at a time, while the image is being generated. Since the image does not yet exist when the file is opened for writing, it is not possible to store a preview image in the file's header at this time (unless the preview image is an icon that has nothing to do with the main image). However, it is possible to store a blank preview image in the header when the file is opened. The preview image can then be updated as the pixels become available. This is demonstrated in the following example:


writeRgbaWithPreview2 (const char fileName[],

int width,

int height)


Array <Rgba> pixels (width);

const int N = 8;

int previewWidth = width / N;

int previewHeight = height / N;

Array2D <PreviewRgba> previewPixels (previewHeight, previewWidth);

Header header (width, height);

header.setPreviewImage (PreviewImage (previewWidth, previewHeight));

RgbaOutputFile file (fileName, header, WRITE_RGBA);

file.setFrameBuffer (pixels, 1, 0);

for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)


generatePixels (pixels, width, height, y);

file.writePixels (1);

if (y % N == 0)


for (int x = 0; x < width; x += N)


const Rgba &inPixel = pixels[x];

PreviewRgba &outPixel = previewPixels[y / N][x / N];

outPixel.r = gamma (inPixel.r);

outPixel.g = gamma (inPixel.g);

outPixel.b = gamma (inPixel.b);

outPixel.a = int (clamp (inPixel.a * 255.f, 0.f, 255.f) + 0.5f);




file.updatePreviewImage (&previewPixels[0][0]);


Environment Maps

An environment map is an image that represents an omnidirectional view of a three-dimensional scene as seen from a particular 3D location. Every pixel in the image corresponds to a 3D direction, and the data stored in the pixel represent the amount of light arriving from this direction. In 3D rendering applications, environment maps are often used for image-based lighting techniques that appoximate how objects are illuminated by their surroundings. Environment maps with enough dynamic range to represent even the brightest light sources in the environment are sometimes called "light probe images."

In an OpenEXR file, an environment map is stored as a rectangular pixel array, just like any other image, but an attribute in the file header indicates that the image is an environment map. The attribute's value, which is of type Envmap, specifies the relation between 2D pixel locations and 3D directions. Envmap is an enumeration type. Two values are possible:


The environment is projected onto the image using polar coordinates (latitude and longitude). A pixel’s x coordinate corresponds to its longitude, and the y coordinate corresponds to its latitude. The pixel in the upper left corner of the data window has latitude +π/2 and longitude +π; the pixel in the lower right corner has latitude -π/2 and longitude -π.

In 3D space, latitudes -π/2 and +π/2 correspond to the negative and positive y direction. Latitude 0, longitude 0 points in the positive z direction; latitude 0, longitude π/2 points in the positive x direction.

Latlong map

For a latitude-longitude map, the size of the data window should be 2×N by N pixels (width by height), where N can be any integer greater than 0.


The environment is projected onto the six faces of an axis-aligned cube. The cube’s faces are then arranged in a 2D image as shown below.

Cube map

For a cube map, the size of the data window should be N by 6×N pixels (width by height), where N can be any integer greater than 0.

Note: Both kinds of environment maps contain redundant pixels: In a latitude-longitude map, the top row and the bottom row of pixels correspond to the map's north pole and south pole (latitudes +π/2 and -π/2). In each of those two rows all pixels are the same. The leftmost column and the rightmost column of pixels both correspond to the meridian with longitude +π (or, equivalently, -π). The pixels in the leftmost column are repeated in the rightmost column. In a cube-face map, the pixels along each edge of a face are repeated along the corresponding edge of the adjacent face. The pixel in each corner of a face is repeated in the corresponding corners of the two adjacent faces.

The following code fragment tests if an OpenEXR file contains an environment map, and if it does, which kind:

use openexr::prelude::*;

pub fn test_envmap(filename: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let file = RgbaInputFile::new(filename, 1)?;

    if let Some(e) = file.header().find_typed_attribute_envmap("envmap") {
        match e.value() {
            Envmap::Latlong => println!("latlong"),
            Envmap::Cube => println!("cubemap"),
            _ => unreachable!(),


For each kind of environment map, openexr provides a set of routines that convert from 3D directions to 2D floating-point pixel locations and back. Those routines are useful in application programs that create environment maps and in programs that perform map lookups. For details, see the documentation for the envmap module.