Module vf_rs::vf

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The main ValueFlows module which holds the VF classes.


  • Holds the supporting builder structs for our vf types. Create a builder via SomeType::builder().


  • An entity that can commit to and/or perform economic and/or ecological activity under its own power or authority.
  • An ongoing voluntary association between 2 agents of any kind.
  • A relationship role defining the kind of association one agent can have with another.
  • Any type of agreement among economic agents.
  • A grouping of agreements to bundle detailed line item reciprocity.
  • A way to tie an economic event that is given in loose fulfilment for another economic event, without commitments or expectations. Supports the gift economy.
  • A claim for a future economic event(s) in reciprocity for an economic event that already occurred. For example, a claim for payment for goods received.
  • A planned economic flow that has been promised by an agent to another agent.
  • A non-human being; or a functional group of non-human beings; or an ecosystem of living beings that includes non-humans.
  • An observed economic flow, as opposed to a flow planned to happen in the future. This could reflect a change in the quantity of an economic resource. It is also defined by its behavior in relation to the economic resource (see vf:action)
  • Economic or environmental inputs to or outputs from processes.
  • A proposed or planned or estimated economic flow, prior to a commitment or agreement, which can lead to commitments and/or economic events.
  • A functional structure, formal or informal, which can include people and/or other organizations, and has its own agency. Something called a group is an Organization in Valueflows if it has its own agency.
  • A human being. All people are considered agents.
  • A logical collection of processes that constitute a body of scheduled work with defined deliverable(s).
  • An activity that changes inputs into outputs, by transforming or transporting economic resource(s).
  • Specifies the kind of process.
  • Published requests or offers, sometimes with what is expected in return.
  • A grouping of proposals, for publishing as a list.
  • Specifies an exchange type agreement as part of a recipe.
  • The specification of a resource inflow to, or outflow from, a recipe process.
  • Specifies a process in a recipe for use in planning from recipe.
  • Specifies the kind of resource, even if the resource is not instantiated as an EconomicResource. Could define a material item, service, digital item, currency account, skill or type of work, etc.
  • An estimated or analytical logical collection of higher level processes used for budgeting, analysis, plan refinement, etc.
  • The type definition of one or more scenarios.


  • The action has this effect on an inventoried resource primary accountable agent.
  • The action has this effect on an inventoried resource accounting quantity.
  • An action verb defining the kind of flow and its behavior.
  • An enum that allows a type union for (Commitment, EconomicEvent, Intent)
  • An enum that allows a type union for (Commitment, Intent, Process)
  • The action has this effect on an inventoried resource contained in resource.
  • The action can create an economic resource.
  • The action involves the event resource quantity, event quantity, or both.
  • The action is an input or output of a process, or not related to a process.
  • The action has this effect on an inventoried resource current location.
  • The action has this effect on an inventoried resource onhand quantity.
  • The type of proposal, an offer or request (others may be added).
  • The general shape or behavior grouping of an agent relationship role.
  • The action has this effect on an inventoried resource stage.
  • The action has this effect on an inventoried resource state.