Crate vello

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Vello is an experimental 2d graphics rendering engine written in Rust, using wgpu. It efficiently draws large 2d scenes with interactive or near-interactive performance.



Vello is meant to fill the same place in the graphics stack as other vector graphics renderers like Skia, Cairo, and its predecessor project Piet. On a basic level, that means it provides tools to render shapes, images, gradients, texts, etc, using a PostScript-inspired API, the same that powers SVG files and the browser <canvas> element.

Vello’s selling point is that it gets better performance than other renderers by better leveraging the GPU. In traditional PostScript-style renderers, some steps of the render process like sorting and clipping either need to be handled in the CPU or done through the use of intermediary textures. Vello avoids this by using prefix-scan algorithms to parallelize work that usually needs to happen in sequence, so that work can be offloaded to the GPU with minimal use of temporary buffers.

This means that Vello needs a GPU with support for compute shaders to run.

§Getting started

Vello is meant to be integrated deep in UI render stacks. While drawing in a Vello scene is easy, actually rendering that scene to a surface setting up a wgpu context, which is a non-trivial task.

To use Vello as the renderer for your PDF reader / GUI toolkit / etc, your code will have to look roughly like this:

// Initialize wgpu and get handles
let (width, height) = ...;
let device: wgpu::Device = ...;
let queue: wgpu::Queue = ...;
let surface: wgpu::Surface<'_> = ...;
let texture_format: wgpu::TextureFormat = ...;
let mut renderer = Renderer::new(
   RendererOptions {
      surface_format: Some(texture_format),
      use_cpu: false,
      antialiasing_support: vello::AaSupport::all(),
      num_init_threads: NonZeroUsize::new(1),
).expect("Failed to create renderer");

// Create scene and draw stuff in it
let mut scene = vello::Scene::new();
   vello::Color::rgb8(242, 140, 168),
   &vello::Circle::new((420.0, 200.0), 120.0),

// Draw more stuff

// Render to your window/buffer/etc.
let surface_texture = surface.get_current_texture()
   .expect("failed to get surface texture");
      &vello::RenderParams {
         base_color: Color::BLACK, // Background color
         antialiasing_method: AaConfig::Msaa16,
   .expect("Failed to render to surface");

See the examples/ folder to see how that code integrates with frameworks like winit.



  • Support for glyph rendering.
  • Simple helpers for managing wgpu state and surfaces.

