Crate vcdiff_merger

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  • Disassociated Copy (from the window it was found in).
  • Extracted Add instruction.
  • Merger struct that can accept merging of additional patches.
  • Extracted Instruction with a starting position.
  • Stats about the patch file.
  • This is returned when the current summary patch contains no Copy instructions, OR when you are finished with the Merger.


  • Disassociated Instruction.



  • Determines the next WinIndicator based on the current instruction type, the current WinIndicator, and the instruction’s VCD target status. Returns None if the new instruction does not change the current WinIndicator.
  • This function will dereference all Non-CopySS instructions in the extracted instructions.
  • Extracts all instructions from all windows. Memory consumption may be 2-4x the size of the encoded (uncompressed) patch.
  • Finds the index of the instruction that controls the given output position.
  • Returns a cloned and clipped subslice of instructions that exactly covers the requested output range.