Attribute Macro varlen::define_varlen

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Macro for defining variable-length structs.


A struct with multiple variable-length fields, specified by #[varlen]:

use varlen::prelude::*;
struct Person {
    age: usize,
    name: Str,
    email: Str,
let mut p: VBox<Person> = VBox::new(
        age: 16,
        name: Str::copy("Harry Potter"),
        email: Str::copy(""),
assert_eq!(p.age, 16);
assert_eq!(&p.refs().name[..], "Harry Potter");
assert_eq!(&p.refs().name[..], "HARRY POTTER");
assert_eq!(&p.refs().email[..], "");

A struct with variable-length arrays. The arrays are annotated with #[varlen_array]. You may directly specify the array lengths as any const-evaluatable expression that references the fields annotated with #[controls_layout]:

use varlen::prelude::*;
struct MultipleArrays {
    len: usize,

    array1: [u16; *len],

    array2: [u8; *len],

    half_array: [u16; (*len) / 2],
let base_array = vec![1, 3, 9, 27];
let a: VBox<MultipleArrays> = VBox::new(multiple_arrays::Init{
    len: base_array.len(),
    array1: FillSequentially(|i| base_array[i]),
    array2: FillSequentially(|i| base_array[base_array.len() - 1 - i] as u8),
    half_array: FillSequentially(|i| base_array[i * 2]),
assert_eq!(a.refs().array1, &[1, 3, 9, 27]);
assert_eq!(a.refs().array2, &[27, 9, 3, 1]);
assert_eq!(a.refs().half_array, &[1, 9]);


The following attributes are available on fields:

  • #[varlen] - use this for a field type which implements VarLen
  • #[varlen_array] - use this for an array-typed field. The length of the array may refer to fields annotated with #[controls_layout], and must be a const-evaluatable expression
  • #[controls_layout] - this marks a field as usable to specify the length of a #[varlen_array] field. It also removes mutable access to the field. Mutable access risks causing memory unsafety, in which the length of the array is recorded incorrectly in memory.

Generated API

See crate varlen_generated for an example of the generated code.

For a struct MyType, the following is generated:

  • A type MyType, with variable-length fields replaced with marker types varlen::marker::FieldMarker and varlen::marker::ArrayMarker
  • A module my_type (the snake-case version of the struct name), containing:
    • a type VarLenLayout which specifies the layout of MyType
    • a type Refs<'a> consisting of immutable references, with lifetime 'a
    • a type Muts<'a> consisting of mutable references, with lifetime 'a
    • a type Init<...> which implements varlen::Initializer<MyType>
    • a type LayoutControllers, which consists of the fields annotated #[controls_layout]
  • Various member functions on MyType, for immutable and mutable access.
  • Trait implementations for MyType:
    • VarLen for MyType
    • Drop for MyType, which unconditionally panics.

Memory layout

The object is laid out in memory with the fixed-length fields first. These are the fields which are not annotated with #[varlen] or #[varlen_array]. The fixed-length fields are laid out in whatever order is chosen by the Rust compiler.

The variable-length fields always follow the fixed-length fields in memory. The variable-length fields are always laid out in the order specified in the struct definition. Padding is inserted between variable-length fields as needed to meet the alignment requirements of each field.

Padding before variable-length fields costs both memory and time. To minimize padding effects, as much as possible try to use the same alignment for all fields. Where this is not possible, try to order your fields from most-aligned to least-aligned: when a less-aligned field follows a more-aligned field, there are zero padding bytes, and the padding computation can be entirely optimized away.

Access to a variable-length field requires running some code at runtime that skips over all previous variable-length fields in the struct. To minimize time spent on skipping over these fields, you can:

  • Store the result of refs() in a local variable, and reuse that variable multiple times. This calculates the beginning of all variable-length fields once, and then reuses that calculation.
  • Sort the variable-length fields of the struct so that the most-frequently-used fields come first.