
AccountHoldings is a holder of current, target, and purchase/sales information for an account. It also creates a Display for this information.

ShareValues holds the values for the supported ETF stocks. The value can represent price, holding value, stock quantity etc.

VanguardHoldings contains ShareValues structs for all accounts along with for the quotes. This struct is creating during the parsing of the downloaded Vanguard file

VanguardRebalance holds AccountHoldings structs for each account; brokerage, traditional IRA, and roth IRA. Each AccountHoldings struct holds the information of current holdings, target holdings, and the amount of stocks needed to purchase/sell in order to rebalance


AddType is an enum used to distinguish between when a stock quote or an account holdings is wanted for input into a ShareValues struct.

StockSymbol is an enum which holds all stock symbols which are supported. Empty is used to initiated structs which use this enum. Other is a holder of any stock that is not supported, where the String is the stock symbol.


all_stock_descriptions returns a String containing the description of all stocks which are supported with each separated by a new line. This is used to display on screen or write to file all of the descriptions.

parse_csv_download takes in the file path of the downloaded file from Vanguard and parses it into VanguardHoldings. The VanguardHoldings is a struct which holds the values of what is contained within the vangaurd account along with quotes for each of the ETFs