Expand description
Valitron is an ergonomics, functional and configurable validator.
§This is an example:
#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
struct Person {
introduce: &'static str,
age: u8,
weight: f32,
let validator = Validator::new()
.rule("introduce", Required.and(StartWith("I am")))
.rule("age", custom(age_range))
("introduce.required", "introduce is required"),
"introduce should be starts with `I am`",
let person = Person {
introduce: "hi",
age: 18,
weight: 20.0,
let res = validator.validate(person).unwrap_err();
assert!(res.len() == 2);
fn age_range(age: &mut u8) -> Result<(), Message> {
if *age >= 25 && *age <= 45 {
} else {
Err("age should be between 25 and 45".into())
The second scheme is string.
input data needs implementation serde::Serialize
, and if you want to modify data,
it should be also implementation serde::Deserialize
§Available Rules
To get started using all of Valitron’s optional rule, add this to your
valitron = { version = "0.1", features = ["full"] }
§Closure Rule
This is support closure with a primitive type mutable reference arguments and returning message type
message type
’s only one generics argument, default isString
, but whenfull
features enabled default isMessage
, and it is customable. And it’s not immutable, it can be changed bymap
§Custom Rule
anything types implemented Rule
trait can be used as a rule
pub use register::ValidPhrase;
pub use register::Validatable;
pub use register::Validator;
pub use rule::custom;
pub use rule::Rule;
pub use rule::RuleExt;
pub use value::FromValue;
pub use value::Value;
pub use value::ValueMap;
pub use rule::available;
- register validator
- define Rule trait, and build-in rule types
- define