Crate vach

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§A simple archiving format, designed for storing assets in compact secure containers

vach is an archiving and resource transmission format. It was built to be secure, contained and protected. A big benefit of vach is the fine grained control it grants it’s users, as it allows for per-entry independent configuration. vach also has in-built support for multiple compression schemes (LZ4, Snappy and Brolti), data signing, leaf bitflags, encryption and some degree of archive customization.

Check out the vach spec at spec.txt.

§👄 Terminologies

  • Archive: Any source of data, for example a file or TCP stream, that is a valid vach data source.
  • Leaf: Any actual data endpoint within an archive, what tar calls archive members, for example footstep1.wav in sounds.vach.
  • Entry: Some data in the registry section of a vach source on an corresponding leaf. For example, { id: footstep.wav, location: 45, offset: 2345, flags: 0b0000_0000_0000_0000u16 }.

§🔫 Cargo Features

  • archive and builder (default): Turning them off turns off their respective modules. For example a game only needs the archive feature but a tool for packing assets would only need the builder feature.
  • multithreaded: Runs Builder::dump(---) on multiple threads. Number of threads can be set manually using BuilderConfig::num_threads
  • compression: Pulls snap, lz4_flex and brotli as dependencies and allows for compression in vach archives.
  • crypto: Enables encryption and authentication functionality by pulling the ed25519_dalek and aes_gcm crates
  • default: Enables the archive and builder features.
  • all: Enables all the features listed above

§🀄 Show me some code dang it!

§> Building a basic unsigned .vach file
use std::{io::Cursor, fs::File};
use vach::prelude::{Builder, BuilderConfig};

let config = BuilderConfig::default();
let mut builder = Builder::default();

// Use `Builder::add( reader, ID )` to add data to the write queue
// Adds any data that implements `io::Read`
builder.add(File::open("test_data/background.wav")?, "ambient").unwrap();
builder.add(&[12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 90, 69], "ftstep").unwrap();
builder.add(b"Hello, Cassandra!", "hello").unwrap();

// let mut target = File::create("sounds.vach")?;
let mut target = Cursor::new(Vec::new());

// The number of bytes written to the file
let size = builder.dump(&mut target, &config).unwrap();
§> Loading resources from an unsigned .vach file
use std::fs::File;
use vach::prelude::{Archive, Resource, Flags};

let target = File::open("sounds.vach")?;
let mut archive = Archive::new(target)?;
let resource: Resource = archive.fetch_mut("ambient")?;

// By default all resources are flagged as NOT authenticated
println!("{}", Sound::new(&;

let resource = archive.fetch_mut("ftstep")?;
§> Build a signed .vach file
use std::{io::Cursor, fs::File};
use vach::prelude::{Builder, BuilderConfig, Keypair};
use vach::crypto_utils::gen_keypair;

let keypair: Keypair = gen_keypair();
let config: BuilderConfig = BuilderConfig::default().keypair(keypair);
let mut builder = Builder::default();

// Use `Builder::add( reader, ID )` to add data to the write queue
builder.add(File::open("test_data/background.wav")?, "ambient").unwrap();
builder.add(vec![12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78], "ftstep").unwrap();
builder.add(b"Hello, Cassandra!" as &[u8], "hello").unwrap();

let mut target = File::create("sounds.vach")?;
builder.dump(&mut target, &config).unwrap();

let mut target = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
builder.dump(&mut target, &config).unwrap();
§> Load resources from a signed .vach source
// Load public_key
let mut public_key = File::open(PUBLIC_KEY)?;
let mut public_key_bytes: [u8; crate::PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH];
public_key.read_exact(&mut public_key_bytes)?;

// Build the Loader config
let mut config = ArchiveConfig::default().key(PublicKey::from_bytes(&public_key_bytes)?);

let target = File::open("sounds.vach")?;
let archive = Archive::with_config(target, &config)?;

// Resources are marked as secure (=true) if the signatures match the data
let mut resource = archive.fetch_mut("ambient")?;
println!("{}", Sound::new(&;
§> Serialize and de-serialize a Keypair, SecretKey and PublicKey

As SigningKey, SecretKey and VerifyingKey are reflected from ed25519_dalek, you could refer to their docs to read further about them. These are needed for any cryptography related procedures,



  • archivearchive
    Loader-based logic and data-structures
  • builderbuilder
    Builder related data structures and logic
  • cryptocrypto
    Import keypairs and signatures from here, mirrors from ed25519_dalek
  • Some utility functions to keep you happy
  • Consolidated import for crate logic; This module stores all structs associated with this crate. Constants can be accesses directly with crate::<CONSTANT>
