Expand description
Peripheral access API for VA416XX microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust v0.33.3 ( ))
You can find an overview of the generated API here.
API features to be included in the next
svd2rust release can be generated by cloning the svd2rust repository, checking out the above commit, and running cargo doc --open
pub use self::Interrupt as interrupt;
pub use self::porta as portb;
pub use self::porta as portc;
pub use self::porta as portd;
pub use self::porta as porte;
pub use self::porta as portf;
pub use self::porta as portg;
pub use self::tim0 as tim1;
pub use self::tim0 as tim2;
pub use self::tim0 as tim3;
pub use self::tim0 as tim4;
pub use self::tim0 as tim5;
pub use self::tim0 as tim6;
pub use self::tim0 as tim7;
pub use self::tim0 as tim8;
pub use self::tim0 as tim9;
pub use self::tim0 as tim10;
pub use self::tim0 as tim11;
pub use self::tim0 as tim12;
pub use self::tim0 as tim13;
pub use self::tim0 as tim14;
pub use self::tim0 as tim15;
pub use self::tim0 as tim16;
pub use self::tim0 as tim17;
pub use self::tim0 as tim18;
pub use self::tim0 as tim19;
pub use self::tim0 as tim20;
pub use self::tim0 as tim21;
pub use self::tim0 as tim22;
pub use self::tim0 as tim23;
pub use self::uart0 as uart1;
pub use self::uart0 as uart2;
pub use self::spi0 as spi1;
pub use self::spi0 as spi2;
pub use self::spi0 as spi3;
pub use self::i2c0 as i2c1;
pub use self::i2c0 as i2c2;
pub use self::can0 as can1;
pub use self::dac0 as dac1;
- Analog to Digital Converter Peripheral
- CAN Peripheral
- Clock Generation Peripheral
- Digital to Analog Converter Peripheral
- DMA Controller Block
- Ethernet Block
- Common register and bit access and modify traits
- I2C Peripheral
- IO Pin Configuration Peripheral
- Interrupt Router Peripheral
- GPIO Peripheral
- SPI Peripheral
- SpaceWire Peripheral
- System Configuration Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- True Random Number Generator
- UART Peripheral
- Utility Peripheral
- Watchdog Block Peripheral
- Analog to Digital Converter Peripheral
- CAN Peripheral
- CAN Peripheral
- Clock Generation Peripheral
- Digital to Analog Converter Peripheral
- Digital to Analog Converter Peripheral
- DMA Controller Block
- Ethernet Block
- I2C Peripheral
- I2C Peripheral
- I2C Peripheral
- IO Pin Configuration Peripheral
- Interrupt Router Peripheral
- All the peripherals.
- GPIO Peripheral
- GPIO Peripheral
- GPIO Peripheral
- GPIO Peripheral
- GPIO Peripheral
- GPIO Peripheral
- GPIO Peripheral
- SPI Peripheral
- SPI Peripheral
- SPI Peripheral
- SPI Peripheral
- SpaceWire Peripheral
- System Configuration Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- Timer/Counter Peripheral
- True Random Number Generator
- UART Peripheral
- UART Peripheral
- UART Peripheral
- Utility Peripheral
- Watchdog Block Peripheral
- Enumeration of all the interrupts.
- Number available in the NVIC for configuring priority