Crate v_clickhouse_rs

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Asynchronous Yandex ClickHouse client library for rust programming language.


Library hosted on

clickhouse-rs = "*"

§Supported data types

  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Decimal(P, S)
  • Float32, Float64
  • String, FixedString(N)
  • UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64
  • Nullable(T)
  • Array(UInt/Int/String/Date/DateTime)
  • IPv4/IPv6
  • UUID




  • compression - Whether or not use compression (defaults to none). Possible choices:

    • none
    • lz4
  • readonly - Restricts permissions for read data, write data and change settings queries. (defaults to none). Possible choices:

    • 0 - All queries are allowed.
    • 1 - Only read data queries are allowed.
    • 2 - Read data and change settings queries are allowed.
  • connection_timeout - Timeout for connection (defaults to 500 ms)

  • keepalive - TCP keep alive timeout in milliseconds.

  • nodelay - Whether to enable TCP_NODELAY (defaults to true).

  • pool_min - Lower bound of opened connections for Pool (defaults to 10).

  • pool_max - Upper bound of opened connections for Pool (defaults to 20).

  • ping_before_query - Ping server every time before execute any query. (defaults to true).

  • send_retries - Count of retry to send request to server. (defaults to 3).

  • retry_timeout - Amount of time to wait before next retry. (defaults to 5 sec).

  • ping_timeout - Timeout for ping (defaults to 500 ms).

  • alt_hosts - Comma separated list of single address host for load-balancing.



§Optional features

clickhouse-rs puts some functionality behind optional features to optimize compile time for the most common use cases. The following features are available.

  • tokio_io (enabled by default) — I/O based on Tokio.
  • async_std — I/O based on async-std (doesn’t work together with tokio_io).
  • tls — TLS support (allowed only with tokio_io).


use clickhouse_rs::{Block, Pool, errors::Error};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let ddl = r"
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS payment (
            customer_id  UInt32,
            amount       UInt32,
            account_name Nullable(FixedString(3))
        ) Engine=Memory";

    let block = Block::new()
        .column("customer_id",  vec![1_u32,  3,  5,  7,  9])
        .column("amount",       vec![2_u32,  4,  6,  8, 10])
        .column("account_name", vec![Some("foo"), None, None, None, Some("bar")]);

    let pool = Pool::new(database_url);

    let mut client = pool.get_handle().await?;
    client.insert("payment", block).await?;
    let block = client.query("SELECT * FROM payment").fetch_all().await?;

    for row in block.rows() {
        let id: u32             = row.get("customer_id")?;
        let amount: u32         = row.get("amount")?;
        let name: Option<&str>  = row.get("account_name")?;
        println!("Found payment {}: {} {:?}", id, amount, name);


  • pub use crate::pool::Pool;
  • pub use crate::types::Options;



  • This macro is a convenient way to pass row into a block.
