Expand description

Color spaces with conversion from/to any color space

Supports the following color spaces:

  • CMYK 4-channel CMYK color space.
  • HSV (AKA HSB) 3-channel HSB color space.
  • HSL 3-channel HSL color space.
  • Lab 3-channel Lab color space. (experimantal)
  • RGB Normal 3-channel RGB color space.
  • RGBA 4-channel RGBA color space. It is a sub-struct of RGB with an additional alpha value.
  • XYZ 3-channel XYZ color space. (experimantal)
  • Cmy


Module with most usable functionality


Cmy color representation

Cmyk color representation

Basic color representation

Hsl color representation

Hsv color representation

Rgb color representation with u8 components

Rgba color representation with u8 components


Represents color error