
Module primitives::prelude[][src]

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Pane grid - Iced


pub use crate::foundation::colorspace::prelude::*;


Very nice color palette


Represents the dimensions of a piece of text in the canvas


Can be used to influence the internal state of an Entity via AgendaManager.

Can be used to separate audio space to allow different transforms to apply to different groups of playing sounds.

Specifies the current text direction used to draw text

Representing possible full screen modes.

Representing the buttons on a Joypad for use in the Joypad virtual controller.

Representing the touch input modes for a Touchscreen Joypad for use in the Joypad virtual controller.

Representing the keys on a Keyboard for use in the InputKeyboard virtual controller.

Specifies how the ends of the drawn lines will look.

Specifies the shape of the vertices at which the lines converge

These messages are dispatched internally.

Representing the buttons on a Mouse for use in the InputMouse virtual controller.

Representing the mouse cursor for use in the InputMouse virtual controller.

Representing the control buttons on the Overlay.

Specifies how the pattern is laid out

Default Scene types.

Representing alternative horizontal text alignments for TextStyle implementations.

Representing default identifiers of TextStyles.


Objects intending to provide an Agenda driven state machine should implement this interface.

Provides functions to interact with media assets embedded or loaded in the application.

The AssetManagerProcess should be implemented by objects representing an operating AssetManager.

Provides functions to control playback of audio: sounds, music etc.

Provides for interacting with the canvas.

The Disposable should be implemented by objects that require specialised garbage collection or memory deallocation.

The Encrypter should be implemented by objects intending to encrypt or decrypt bytes.

The Factory should be implemented by objects designed to populate an implementation.

The Scene should be implemented by objects intending to represent scene states in the SceneManager.

The Entity should be implemented by all objects in the entity broad phase traversal stack.

The EntityCollection should be implemented by objects which compose multiple entities.

The InputJoypad should be implemented by an object wishing to be used as a directional pad plus two fire button joypad.

The InputKeyboard should be implemented by an object wishing to be used as a virtual keyboard input device.

The InputManager should be implemented by an object wishing to provide user input states to the kernel.

The InputMouse should be implemented by objects wishing to act as virtual mouse controllers.

Marks structures as framework Object’s

Handles main updates and provides global locators for all managers

The Logger should be implemented by objects wishing to act as logging services.

The MessageManager should be implemented by objects intending to fulfill Entity to Entity synchronous messaging (also known as events or signals).

This is the basic glue for the UX Framework

Creates a structure with values equal to one.

The Overlay should be implemented by objects representing the top most visual element of the application.

The OverlayProcess should be implemented by objects representing an operating Overlay.

The Pauseable should be implemented by objects intended to be temporarily disabled from the broad phase update traversal.

The Positionable should be implemented by objects intended to have 2D spatial position.

The Preloader should be implemented by objects intended to act as preloaders.

The Priority should be implemented by objects intended to be ranked or sorted.

The Process represents the smallest atom of the framework.

The Progress should be implemented by objects intended to progress from start to finish ( 0…1 ).

The Resettable should be implemented by objects intended to be reset (returned to initial state).

The SceneManager should be implemented by objects intended to manage the [Scene] state machine.

The SceneTransition should be implemented by objects intended to display visual transitions during scene changes.

The Session should be implemented by objects wishing to preserve interactive information interchange.

The TextStyle should be implemented by objects created by the createTextStyle method of Factory.

The Tools should be implemented by objects intended to provide tool box functionality.

The Updatable should be implemented by any object wishing to enter the broad phase update traversal stack.

The View should be implemented by all objects in the view broad phase traversal stack.

The Viewable should be implemented by all objects that compose a view.

Creates a structure with zero values.