
Module dx::engine::d2::util

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General engine utilites


An INI-like config file parser.

Utility mixins for Iterables. Designed to be imported with ‘using’.

Utilities for macros.

Utility mixins for Maps. Designed to be imported with ‘using’.

Stupid-simple text localization.

Multiplexes a list of promises into a single promise. When all promises have been fulfilled, the success signal will be emitted with an array containing their respective results. Progress and error signals are also aggregated.

A pool of reusable objects that can be used to avoid allocation. *

Represents a value that isn’t ready yet, but may become available in the future.

A seedable, portable random number generator. Fast and random enough for games. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator

A zero-argument signal. See Signal1 and Signal2 for different arities.

A one-argument signal. See Signal0 and Signal2 for different arities.

A two-argument signal. See Signal0 and Signal1 for different arities.

Represents a connected signal listener.

Wraps a single value, notifying listeners when the value changes.

Utility mixins for xml.Fast objects. Designed to be imported with ‘using’.


Utility mixins for bit sets. Designed to be imported with ‘using’ to supplement regular Ints with bitset functions.

Utility mixins for Strings. Designed to be imported with ‘using’.

Type Definitions

An alias for Signal0 listeners.

An alias for Signal1 listeners.

An alias for Signal2 listeners.