
Module dx::engine::d2::script

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An action that tweens an AnimatedFloat by a certain delta.

An action that tweens an AnimatedFloat from a certain value to its current value.

An action that tweens an AnimatedFloat to a certain value.

An action that calls a given fn once and immediately completes.

An action that simply waits for a certain amount of time to pass before finishing.

An action that manages a list of other actions, running them together in parallel until the first of them finishes.

An action that translates the owner’s sprite by a certain amount.

An action that translates the owner’s sprite to a certain position.

An action that manages a list of other actions, running them together in parallel until they all finish.

An action that plays a movie once using the actor’s MoviePlayer, completing when the movie finishes.

An action that plays a sound and waits for it to complete.

An action that repeats another action until it finishes a certain number of times.

Manages a set of actions that are updated over time. Scripts simplify writing composable animations.

An action that manages a list of other actions, running them one-by-one sequentially until they all finish.

Shakes an entity’s sprite by jittering its X and Y for a set duration.


Represents a unit of execution that is called over time.