Crate uwucodec[][src]

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This crate provides an encoding from byte to uwu and back. Encode:

use uwucodec::encode;

fn main() {
    println!("Hello World in uwu is: {}", encode("Hello World".as_bytes()));


use uwucodec::decode;
fn main() {
    let text = "omo o~o q_p o_o q_p OmO q_p OmO q_p Nya umu uwu o_o u_u q_p Nya u_u umu q_p OmO q_p omo";
    println!("{} is {:?}", text, decode(text));


Decodes the best encoding in existence back into bytes

Decodes a stream of bytes into the raw data

Encodes into the best encoding in existence

Encodes bytes from a reader to a sink writer