Crate uslegalpro

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uslegalpro is a simple library to help with interacting with uslegalpro’s JSON API.

On Endpoints

Currently there are a few endpoints available. I hope to add the rest as needed. Feel free to create a pull request to add more.

  • Authentication Authenticate a user
  • Case Previews Query cases by case_number & jurisdictions
  • Detail Get details of a case


You can specify what url to use as the endpoint, you can also use the prebuilt on for Texas right now, I plan to add more states later on.

It’s presumed the endpoints above have the following routes

POST /authenticate GET /search_case GET /case/{CASE_TRACKING_ID}

Requests & Typing

The only way to make an authenticated request is IFF (if and only if) you have successfully authenticated. It is impossible to construct a client (authed or not) outside of the methods provided by the library. You can still modify and view properties used on the clients however.

Example Usage


use uslegalpro::{client::NoAuthClient, state::State, auth::{authenticate::{authenticate,  User, Auth}}};
use reqwest::Client;

async fn auth() {
    let client = Client::new();

    let texas = State::Texas;
    let client = NoAuthClient::new(client, "MY_CLIENT_TOKEN", texas.endpoint());

    let user = User {
        username: "MY_USERNAME",
        password: "MY_PASSWORD",

    let auth = Auth {
        client: client.clone(),

    let authtoken = authenticate(auth).await.unwrap();

    println!("AUTHED = {:?}", authtoken);

    let client = client.into_authed_client(&authtoken);

    // client can now make authed requests

Case Preview

use uslegalpro::{search::query::{query, Query}};

async fn pre() {
    // client from last part of authentication example
    let client = ();

    let case_query = Query {
    case_number: "MY_CASE_#",
    jurisdiction: "county:court",

    let previews = query(case_query).await.unwrap();

    println!("my vector of previews = {:?}", previews);


  • There are two types of clients No authed & Authed No authed client can only access apis that don’t require authentication Authed clients can access any api Authed clients can be constructed from no authed clients via the authenticate method
  • Common types used by uslegalpro for communication. they are DTO objects.
  • Common states with a method called “endpoint” used to construct the str for the endpoint