Expand description
§URLScan.io REST API Wrapper.
Provides an abstraction over the URLScan.io API. This library supports the following tasks1:
- Get Quota
- Submit URL to be scanned
- Get JSON Result of scan as String
- Get DOM of previously scanner URL by UUID
- Get Screenshot of page
- Search functionality
§API Key
In order to use this library, you need an URLScan.io API key. To get an API key, create an URLScan.io account and then go to Settings & API to get your API key.
Get your current quota with limits:
// Imports
use urlscan::UrlScanClient;
// Create a URlScan Client with you API key
let client = UrlScanClient::new("YOUR-API-KEY-HERE");
// Get the current quota for your API key
let response = client.get_quota();
match response {
Ok(quota) => println!("{}", quota),
_ => println!("We got an error..."),
§URLScan.io Documentation
Tasks that are not marked as complete are currently being worked on and will be part of a future release. ↩
- Public Module ‘API’ with submodules for ‘quota’, ‘submission’, and ‘result’
- URLScanClient struct to hold information like API key, domain, and endpoint