initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Host","The host name of an URL."],["Origin","The origin of the URL"],["ParseError","Errors that can occur during parsing."],["SchemeData","The components of the URL whose representation depends on where the scheme is *relative*."],["SchemeType","Determines the behavior of the URL parser for a given scheme."]],"fn":[["parse_path","Parse `input` as a “standalone” URL path, with an optional query string and fragment identifier."],["whatwg_scheme_type_mapper",""]],"mod":[["form_urlencoded","Parser and serializer for the `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` format, as used by HTML forms."],["format","Formatting utilities for URLs."],["idna","International domain names"],["percent_encoding",""],["punycode","Punycode (RFC 3492) implementation."],["urlutils","These methods are not meant for use in Rust code, only to help implement the JavaScript URLUtils API:"]],"struct":[["OpaqueOrigin","Opaque identifier for URLs that have file or other schemes"],["RelativeSchemeData","Components for URLs in a *relative* scheme such as HTTP."],["Url","The parsed representation of an absolute URL."],["UrlParser","A set of optional parameters for URL parsing."]],"type":[["ErrorHandler","This is called on non-fatal parse errors."],["ParseResult",""]]});