Crate urandom

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Produce and consume randomness.

This crate provides utilities to generate random numbers, to convert them to useful types and distributions, and some randomness-related algorithms.

Quick Start

To get you started quickly, the easiest and highest-level way to get a random value is to use urandom::new().next(). The Random struct provides a useful API on all Rngs, while the distributions module provide further functionality on top of Rngs.

let mut rng = urandom::new();

// Generates a random boolean
if rng.coin_flip() {
	// Try printing a random unicode code point (probably a bad idea)!
	println!("char: {}",<char>());

// Generates a float between 13.0 and 42.0
let y: f64 = rng.range(13.0..42.0);

// Shuffles the list of numbers
let mut numbers: Vec<i32> = (1..100).collect();
rng.shuffle(&mut numbers);

This library was inspired by the semi-official rand crate and an attempt to provide a better experience.


pub use self::rng::Rng;
pub use self::distributions::Distribution;


Generating random samples from probability distributions.
Random number generators.


Rich interface for consuming random number generators.


Creates a new cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator.
Creates a new instance of the default pseudorandom number generator.
Creates a new instance of the default pseudorandom number generator with the given seed.