Macro upon::value

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macro_rules! value {
    ( $($tt:tt)+ ) => { ... };
    () => { ... };
Available on crate feature serde only.
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Convenient macro for constructing a Value.

The macro always returns a Value::Map variant at the top level but the map values can be any variant. The keys must be identifiers not string literals, similar to Rust’s struct initialization syntax.


let v = upon::value!{
    users: [
            name: "John Smith",
            age: 36,
            is_enabled: true,
            address: None,
            name: "Jane Doe",
            age: 34,
            is_enabled: false,

Variables and expressions can be interpolated as map values, to_value will be used to convert the expression to a Value.

let names = vec!["John", "James"];
let addr = "42 Wallaby Way, Sydney";

let v = upon::value!{
    names: names,
    surname: "Smith",
    address: addr,