var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["untrusted"] = {"doc":" Safe, fast, zero-panic, zero-crashing, zero-allocation\nparsing of untrusted inputs in Rust.","items":[[3,"Input","untrusted","A wrapper around `&'a [u8]` that helps in writing panic-free code.",null,null],[3,"Reader","","A read-only, forward-only* cursor into the data in an `Input`.",null,null],[3,"Mark","","An index into the already-parsed input of a `Reader`.",null,null],[5,"read_all_optional","","Calls `read` with the given input as a `Reader`, ensuring that `read`\nconsumed the entire input. When `input` is `None`, `read` will be\ncalled with `None`.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"option"},{"name":"e"},{"name":"f"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"eq","","",0,null],[11,"ne","","",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"clone","","",0,null],[11,"from","","Construct a new `Input` for the given input `bytes`.",0,null],[11,"is_empty","","Returns `true` if the input is empty and false otherwise.",0,null],[11,"len","","Returns the length of the `Input`.",0,null],[11,"read_all","","Calls `read` with the given input as a `Reader`, ensuring that `read`\nconsumed the entire input. If `read` does not consume the entire input,\n`incomplete_read` is returned.",0,null],[11,"read_all_mut","","Like `read_all`, except taking an `FnMut`.",0,null],[11,"as_slice_less_safe","","Access the input as a slice so it can be processed by functions that\nare not written using the Input/Reader framework.",0,null],[11,"eq","","",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"new","","Construct a new Reader for the given input. Use `read_all`,\n`read_all_mut`, or `read_all_optional` instead of `Reader::new`\nwhenever possible.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"input"}],"output":{"name":"reader"}}],[11,"at_end","","Returns `true` if the reader is at the end of the input, and `false`\notherwise.",1,null],[11,"get_input_between_marks","","Returns an `Input` for already-parsed input that has had its boundaries\nmarked using `mark`.",1,null],[11,"mark","","Return the current position of the `Reader` for future use in a call\nto `get_input_between_marks`.",1,null],[11,"peek","","Returns `true` if there is at least one more byte in the input and that\nbyte is equal to `b`, and false otherwise.",1,null],[11,"read_byte","","Reads the next input byte.",1,null],[11,"skip","","Skips `num_bytes` of the input.",1,null],[11,"skip_and_get_input","","Skips `num_bytes` of the input, returning the skipped input as an `Input`.",1,null],[11,"skip_to_end","","Skips the reader to the end of the input, returning the skipped input\nas an `Input`.",1,null]],"paths":[[3,"Input"],[3,"Reader"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);