Crate untis

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Library for accessing the Untis JSON-RPC API.

The core of this crate is the untis::Client struct. You can log in using untis::Client::login().


This client uses the public Untis JSON-RPC API, which only has read-only, limited access.


fn main() -> Result<(), untis::Error> {
  let results = untis::schools::search("School Name")?;
  let school = match results.first() {
    None => {
      println!("No school found");
      return Ok(());
    Some(v) => v

  let mut client = school.client_login("username", "password")?;

  let timetable = client.own_timetable_current_week()?;

  // profit


For more examples, see the examples/ directory.




  • The different types of elements that exist in the Untis API.
  • Represents all errors that can occur during an Untis API request.
  • Represents the status of a lesson (regular, cancelled, etc.)
  • Represents the type of lesson.